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Roof details are 3D elements that can be drawn automatically according to the parameters entered on the roof. The drawn details are taken into account in both 3D views and sections/ viewselevations.

Table of Contents



To draw a rafter:

  • Click the Rafter icon in the ribbon menu .

  • Click with the left mouse button on the roof eaves you want to create a rafter.

  • The rafter design dialog will be displayed. Make the necessary settings here and press the OK button.

  • Rafters will be formed on the relevant roof surface.

  • Create rafters for all roof surfaces in with the above sequenceprocess order.


Rafters are created according to the parameters in the Rafter Design dialog. These parameters are:

Number of RaftersRafter count: The information on how many rafter will be created on the relevant roof surface is entered here. After selecting the option, the raft number rafter count is entered in the box. The program automatically adjusts the rafter spacing according to the entered rafter numbercount.

Rafter spacing: If it is desired wanted to place rafters on the roof surface based on the distance between themrafter, the option is selected. In this case, rafters are created at intervals spacing entered in the information box. The number of rafter is automatically calculated by the program according to the entered intervalspacing.

Remaining distance: It is the distance between the two rafter that are on the middle rafters , or rafters and the roof end, depending on the beginning of the rafter arrangement allignment (starting from the right, left middle, etc.). The user cannot intervene.

SlipShift: If you want it is wanted to shift the raftsrafters, a value is entered here. Considering That the roof canopy looking upwardsis looked up from the eaves, the positive value shifts the rafters merteks to the right and the negative value to the left.


The program is informed from where to start the raft rafters placement on the roof surface by selecting one of the Start Left aligned, Middle aligned, Start Right , Start Center, aligned or Start Left and Start Rightright aligned. If the "Start from the middleMiddle aligned" option is selected, the "Place in the middleto mid" option becomes active. If option is marked, a rafter is placed in the center middle of the respective roof surface and other rafter are placed starting from this rafter.

In order for the rafters on the ends to be drawn with an inclinationinclined, sentences starting with "Left side: Skew" and "Right side: Skew" should be completed. The sentence is completed by writing the number of inclined rafters to be drawn inclined to the top of these upper boxes and the slope value to the bottom oneboxes. For example; "2 rafters on the left are inclined by 5 degrees." Accordingly, two rafters on the left side are drawn with a 5 degree slope according to the viewing direction.

Apply to all eavesedges: If Apply apply to all eaves edges option is checkedmarked, rafters will be created on all roof surfaces according to the entered parameters.



To draw a loverpurlin:

  • Click the Lover Purlin icon in the ribbon menu .

  • Click with the left mouse button on the roof canopy eaves you want to create a purlin.

  • The Loverpurlin dialog will be displayed. Make the necessary settings here and press the OK button.

  • The purlin drawing will be completed.

  • Create the other purlins in for all roof surfaces with the above sequenceprocess order.

The parameters in the lover purlin dialogue are:


Width: The width of the purlin section is entered.

Height: The height of the purlin section is entered.

Distance: The distance of the lamp purlin from the roof canopy eaves is entered.

Jeans: Lovers jeans are Elevation: Purlin's elevation is entered. The height elevation of the purlins purlin is automatically adjusted to be tangent under the rafters according to the entered distance. The value entered here is used to raise the beam purlin up or down from this automatically calculated elevation. If the elevation is zero, the purlin will touch the lower surface of the rafters. If a positive value is entered, the purlin will move up, if a negative value is entered, the purlin will move down.

Apply to all eavesedges: If the Apply apply to all eaves edges option is checkedmarked, battens purlins will be created on all roof surfaces according to the entered parameters.


Fascia Board

To draw an eaves trimfascia board:

  • Click the Roof Eavestop Fascia Board icon in the ribbon menu .

  • Click with the left mouse button on the roof canopy eaves on which you want to create an eave trimfascia board.

  • The eaves rim dialog will be displayed. Make the necessary settings here and press the OK button.

  • There will be eave curb fascia board on the relevant roof surface.

  • Create moldings the fascia board for all roof surfaces in with the above sequenceprocess order.

The same parameters are included in the fringe curb fascia board dialog as in the purlin dialog.



Lathes Laths are roof elements that are drawn on the rafters, perpendicular to the rafters.

  • Click the Lata Lath icon in the ribbon menu .

  • Click with the left mouse button on the roof eaves you want to create a lath.

  • The Batten Lath Design dialog will be displayed. Make the necessary settings here and press the OK button.

  • Slats Laths will form on the relevant roof surface.

  • Create battens laths for all roof surfaces in with the above sequenceprocess order.

The parameters in the batten lath design dialog are:


Width: The width of the lath sections is entered.

Height: The height of the lath sections is entered.

RangeSpacing: The distance between the two lath axes axis is entered.

Show Draw in plan: It is marked if If the laths are desired wanted to be displayed in the plan, it is marked. If not checkedmarked, the laths are not drawn in the plan but displayed in the view elevation and section windows.

Apply to all eavesedges: If the Apply apply to all eaves edges option is checkedmarked, battens laths will be created on all roof surfaces according to the entered parameters.


Hip/Valley Rafter

It was developed to draw a ridge. Ridges hip/valley. Hip/valley rafter are created with a single click on the roof break lines.

To draw a ridgehip/valley rafter:

  • Click the Mahya Hip/Valley Rafter icon in the ribbon menu .

  • Click with the left mouse button on the roof breaking line where you want to create a ridgehip/valley rafter.

  • The Mahya Hip/Valley Rafter dialog will be displayed. Make the necessary settings here and press the OK button.

  • The ridge hip/valley rafter drawing will be completed.

  • Build the other ridges hip/valley rafter with the above procedureprocess order.

The parameters found in the ridge hip/valley rafter dialog are:


Width: The width of the ridge hip/valley rafter section is entered.

Height: The height of the ridge hip/valley rafter section is entered.

Elevation: The elevation of the ridge hip/valley rafter is found automatically by the program and is placed on the lines where the ridge hip/valley rafter and roof surfaces intersect. If the elevation value here is zero, the ridge hip/valley rafter is tangent to the lower face of the roof covering. If a positive level is entered, the ridge hip/valley rafter moves up, if a negative level is entered, it moves down.



In order to draw a pillarpost, purlins, ridge and rafters a purlin, hip/valley rafter and rafter should be defined first. Without these elements, the pillar post cannot be defined.

To draw a post:

  • Click the Sewing Post icon in the ribbon menu .

  • Click with the left mouse button on the purlin or hip/ ridge valley rafter where you want to create a post.

  • Click on the rafters rafter or or hip/valley rafter you want to create a post with the left mouse button.

  • The sewing post dialog will be displayed. Make the necessary settings here and press the OK button.

  • Sewing Post drawing will be completed.

  • Create other posts with the above procedureprocess order.

The parameters available in the strut post dialog are:


Width: The width of the strut post section is entered.

Height: The height of the strut post section is entered.

KotElevation: ItElevatin is used to lengthen and shorten the denim sewing post here. Positive elevation shorten the sewing at the post from lower end, negative value lengthens it. Unit is meter.



Braces Struts are cross roof elements drawn between posts post and purlin or ridge beamship/valley rafter. In order to draw a breaststrut, purlin / ridge and pillar hip/valley rafter and post must be drawn first.

  • Click the Bust Strut icon in the ribbon menu .

  • Click with the left mouse button on the purlin or hip/ ridge valley rafter to be attached to the breaststrut.

  • Click with the left mouse button on the post to which the other end of the breasting strut will be connected.

  • The Breastplate strut dialog will be displayed. Make the necessary settings here and press the OK button.

  • Breast Strut drawing will be completed.

  • Create other breasts struts with the above sequenceprocess order.

The parameters found in the breastfeeding strut dialog are:


Width: The width of the breast strut section is entered.

Height: The height of the breast strut section is entered.

Height in 3D: Enter the length of the breaststrut.

Angle: The angle between the strut post and the breast strut is entered.


Collar Beam

It was developed to define a tension collar beam between the raftsrafters. It can be defined as double or single. To define a tensionercollar beam:

  • Click the Double Tension Collar Beam icon in the ribbon menu .

  • Click with the left mouse button on one of the rafters between which the Double Tensioner collar beam will be drawn.

  • Click with the left mouse button on the other rafters between which the double tensioner collar beam will be drawn.

  • The Double Tension Collar Beam dialog will be displayed. Make the necessary settings here and press the OK button.

  • Double Tension Collar beam drawing will be completed.

  • Build other tensioners collar beams in the above sequenceprocess order.

The parameters available in the Double Tension collar beam dialog are:


Width: The width of the Double Tension collar beam section is entered.

Height: The height of the Double Tension collar beam section is entered.

JeansElevation: The level elevation where the tensioner collar beam will be placed is entered. The distance of the tensioner collar beam from the eaves is automatically adjusted according to the level value entered here. The tension collar beam is placed in the entered quotaelevation.

Distance: If a Double Stretch double collar beam is drawn, the distance between the two tensioners is entered.

Trim distance: It determines where to trim the tensioner collar beam ends diagonally. Negative or positive value can be entered.

Create Left / Right Tensionleft collar/ Create right collar: If double tension collar beam is desiredwanted, both boxes are checked. If only one tensioner collar beam is desiredwanted, one is marked.



They are the elements drawn on the roof cavity opening edges.

To draw a pulley beamtrimmer:

  • Click the Pulley Beam Trimmer icon in the ribbon menu .

  • Click one of the roof opening edges with the left mouse button.

  • If you want the sheave beam to be the length of your chosen side, click on the inside of the roof opening. Enter the width and height of the pulley beam trimmer section from the Pulley Beam trimmer dialog that opens and click the OK button. A pulley beam trimmer will be drawn on the edge of the relevant roof cavityopening.

  • Build the other pulley beams trimmer in the above sequenceprocess order.

The pulley beam trimmer dialog contains only Width width and Height height parameters. Pulley beam Trimmer width and height are entered here.