Bolt properties: Bolt grade, bolt size and hole properties are set in bolt properties.
Welds Tab
The source weld properties of the joints connections given in the schematic representation are set in the Resources Welds tab. Give the thicknesssize, type, angle values and mark the option whether to weld under construction site conditions.
Welding geometry is determined automatically by the program. These properties can be changed to easily determine the joint connection properties. Geometry features are in accordance with industry standards and in the form specified in AISC.
Data Tab
In the design inputsdata, the plate material and the strength of the welding electrodes are is defined. The condition that the main element in the weld joint has less strength than the weld strength is controlled.
If necessary, click the list and define "new plate materialCreate New…". To create the welding electrode, give the information "Name" and "Strength" in the dialog that opens after clicking "Create New".