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Table of Contents


Designing a



Building components Components are designed by defining the units and materials to be used in the detailed quantitycomponents report. The name, unit and size (volume, length, area etc.) of the materials are determined.

Building Designing component design is done from the Category Settings dialog. To open the category settings dialog;

  • Click the Tools/Design Building Components line in the classic menu and the Tools/ Quantities Quantity Report/Design Building Components icon in the ribbon menu .

  • The Category Settings dialog will open.


Defining a Unit


First, the units that determine the size of the materials that make up the quantity are defined. For this;

  • Click the Tools/Design Building Components line in the classic menu and the Tools/ Quantities Quantity Report/Design Building Components icon in the ribbon menu .

  • In the Unit Category Settings dialog that opens , click the Units folder from the list on the left and click the Create New Unit button on the right .

  • A line with the name New VolumeUnit 1 will appear on the left . On the right, there will be other editable lines belonging to the new unit. The properties of this unit will be determined in these lines.


Type: Determines which unit the component we define as unit represents. One of the options of heightlength, area, volume, mass, time, energy, number currency, count and general is selected from the list.

Conversion rateratio: The value to be taken as basis is entered when converting the defined new unit to the unit written next to the line. Each size listed on the type line has default values. For example, when the height size is selected in the type line, the default height value is 1 meter. If the unit is used as centimeter, for example, it is converted to centimeter by writing 100 to the conversion rate.

The default units of sizes in the type list are:

Height Length -> Meter

Area -> Square meter

Volume -> Cubic Metermeter

Mass -> Kilogram

Time -> MinuteMinutes

Energy -> JulJoules

There are no default units of currency, number count and overall sizegeneralsize.

Defining a Material


For the detailed quantitycomponents report, the materials to be used in the quantity are defined. The name, unit and size (volume, length, area etc.) of the materials are determined.

  • Click the Tools/Design Building Components line in the classic menu , click and the Tools/ Quantities Quantity Report/Design Building Components icon in the ribbon menu .

  • In the Material Category Settings dialog that opens, click the Materials folder from the list on the left and click the Create New Material button on the right .

  • A line with the name New Material 1 will appear in the list on the left . On the right side, there will be other changeable lines belonging to the new material.

  • Arrange the sections on the right according to the material properties you want to create.


Name: The name of the material is entered. (Paint, plaster, concrete etc.)

Short descriptionidentifier: Description of the material can be entered.

ExplanationDescription: Detailed information about the material can be entered on this line.

ProportionProportional to: It is selected which size will be proportioned to the material. The explanations of the terms in the rate list are as follows:

FixedConstant: Material will be used on a unitless scale.

Proportional to length: The material will be used in proportion to the length (eg wire, reinforcement, handrail, etc.).

Proportional to the area: The material will be used in proportion to the area size (eg tiles, parquet, interior plaster, etc.).

Proportional to volume: The material will be used in proportion to the volume measure (eg concrete, water, etc.).

Proportional to the numbercount: The material will be used in units.

Amount Quantity ratio 1: The information on how much the material is in terms of Unit 1 unit defined in the lower line of the dialog is entered.

Unit 1: Quantity ratio of the material defined in the upper line of the dialog determines the unit of the quantity 1 . One of the units previously defined with the Units button is selected from the list .

Quantity ratio 2: The information on how much the material is in Quantity ratio 1 as per Unit 2 unit defined at the bottom of the dialog is entered.

Unit 2: Quantity ratio of the material defined in the upper line of the dialog determines the unit of the 2 quantity. One of the units previously defined with the Units button is selected from the list .

Unit cost: The value of the unit cost of the material is entered.

Currency: The currency in which the material cost calculation will be made is determined. One of the currencies previously defined with the Units button is selected from the list.

Saving Defined Building Components

Components identified with Design Building Components can be saved in the archive to be used at different times in the same dialog.

  • Complete the new component identification defining process.

  • Click the Save Component button on the right in the Category Settings dialog .

  • The selected component will be saved in the archive.


Loading Components

Components that are defined and saved in the archive by Design Building Components can be loaded from the archive to be used at different times in the same dialog.

  • Click the Upload Load button on the right in the Material Category Settings dialog .

  • The Load Building ComponentsComponent dialog will open. Select the desired wanted component from this dialog.

  • Clicking the OK button will install your component.

  • Click the Delete button in the Load Building Components dialog when you want to delete the saved building component .



Components to Objects

Assigning the materials defined with the Design Building Components command to the objects is done with the Add Building New Components button on the Building Components tab of each object's own setting dialog .

  • Select the object to which you want to assign a building component and open the Object Settings dialog.

  • Click on theBuilding Components tab in the Object Settings dialog .

  • The Component Selection dialog will open when you click the Add Building New Components button .

  • In this dialog, select the material you want to use from the list on the left.

  • Set the parameters on the right.

  • Clicking the OK button will close the Component Selection dialog.

  • The selected material will appear in the Building Components tab. If desiredwanted, more than one material can be assigned.


The objects that can be assigned materials in the program are:

Wall, spacezone, door/window, column, beam, curtainshearwall, floorslab, raft floor, continuous foundation, singular foundation, tie beamstrip footing, single footing, roof, roof surfaceplane, stairs, library, elongated extruded object, rotated revolved object, pool, sidingexterior veneer, jamb, profile objectssweeps.

The parameters available in the component selection dialog are:

In the usage section;

No changemodification: The amount of material to be assigned for the object in question is marked when it is desired to be used in the size that was previously specified in the material definition.

Percentage ratio: This line is marked when it is desired to be used with the percentage of the amount previously determined in the material definition, as much as the value entered in the "Value 1" line in the same dialog. For example, if the material amount quantity is 70, if the line “Value 1” says 40, it means that 40% of the material amount will be used up to 40 * 70%.

Newly definedOverride: This line is marked to use so that the amount quantity entered in the "Value 1" “Value 1” line in the same dialog will be used instead of the amount quantity previously determined in the material definition.

Multiplier: This line is marked in order to use the value found at the end of the multiplication of the value entered in the "Value 1" line in the same dialog with the amount previously determined in the material definition.

FractionalFraction: This line is marked so that the amount determined in the material definition before will be used as much as the fraction value formed created by the values ​​entered in the "Value 1" and "Value 2" lines in the same dialog. "Value 1" is the denominator "Value 2" is the denominator.

ProportionProportional to: It is determined to what scale-area, perimetercircumference, length etc.-, region-side area, top, edge etc.- the material will be proportioned to. The content of the proportional list box is automatically determined according to the object and the size of the material. For example, a different list will be created if an operation is made for the column, a different list will be created for the library, a different list for the volume, and a different list for the field.

The lines that appear in the Proportion list according to the object and material size are as follows:







The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.

X sizelenght

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measure found while defining the material and the X length value of the library.

Y sizelenght

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measure found while defining the material and the Y length value of the library.

Z sizelenght

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measure found while defining the material and the Z length value of the library.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the field value.



The volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the number value.


The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the number value.








The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the circumference of the roof with the length measurement found when defining the material.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found when defining the material and the thickness of the roof.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the field value.


By multiplying the area measure found when defining the material with the area of ​​the roof, the area of ​​the material will be found.



The volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.


Independent                            Independent

The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the number value.


The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the number value.

Number of sidesEdge count

The number value found by multiplying the number of sides of the roof with the number of sides found when defining the material means to be used as the number of the material.


Roof Surface






The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the circumference of the roof with the length measurement found when defining the material.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found when defining the material and the thickness of the roof.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the field value.


By multiplying the area measure found when defining the material with the area of ​​the roof, the area of ​​the material will be found.



It means that the The volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number value.


The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number value.

Number Edge count

The number value found by multiplying the number of sides When the material is defined, it means that of the roof with the number of sides found when defining the material will be found by multiplying means to be used as the number of sides of the roof with the number of sidesthe material.








The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found while defining the material and the perimeter of the column.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length of the column with the height of the column.



The area measure found when defining the material will be used exactly as the area of ​​the material.

Side area

It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used by multiplying it by the sum of the side areas of the column.

Cross-sectional Crosssection area

It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be multiplied by the cross section of the column.



It means that the volume measure found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume of the material.


It means that the volume measurement found when defining the material will be used by multiplying the column volume.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.


Number The number measure found while measure, number of materials found when defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.








It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found when defining the material and the width of the door / window.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found when defining the material and the thickness of the door / window.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the amount.


It means that the area measure found when defining the material will be multiplied by the area of ​​the door / window.



The volume measure found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume of the material.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.


of openingsOpenings count

When defining the material, the number measure is multiplied by the opening number (the program automatically finds it according to the structure of the door / window) and it means that the opening number count will be found.








The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.

Front length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length of the material found when defining the material and the length of the front side of the wall according to the viewing direction.

Back length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length of the material found when defining the material and the length of the back of the wall according to the viewing direction.

Average length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found when defining the material and the average length value found from the length of the front and back sides of the wall.

Average height

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length value found when defining the material and the average length of the left and right ends of the wall.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found when defining the material and the wall thickness.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the amount.

Front area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found while defining the material and the area of ​​the surface on the front with respect to the viewing direction of the wall means to be used as the material area.

Back area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found while defining the material with the area of ​​the surface on the back with respect to the viewing direction of the wall, means to be used as the material area.

Front and back area

When defining the material, the value found by multiplying the sum of the front and back areas of the wall with the area measure, means that it will be used as the material area.

Starting Start area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material and the area of ​​the surface on the left according to the view viewing direction of the wall means to will be used as the material area.

End area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material and the area of ​​the surface on the right side according to the viewing direction of the wall means to be used as the material area.

Start and end area

When defining the material, the value found by multiplying the sum of the area measure found on the left and right side of the wall and the surface areas on the left and right of the wall means that the material area will be used.

Upper Top area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material with the area of ​​the surface remaining on the wall means to be used as the material area.

Sub domainBottom area

The value to be found by multiplying the area of ​​the area found when defining the material with the area of ​​the surface under the wall means to be used as the material area.

Upper Top and lower bottom area

The value found by multiplying the total area of ​​the area found when defining the material and the surface areas on the upper and lower sides of the wall will be used as the material area.

Side area

The total value found by multiplying each of the surfaces on the sides of the wall with the area measure found when defining the material means to be used as the material area.



The volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.


It means that it will be used by multiplying the volume measurement found when defining the material and the wall volume.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.


The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.








The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.

Output line Line of travel length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found when defining the material and the length of the exit line of the ladder.



The area measure found when defining the material will be used exactly as the area of ​​the material.

Upper Top area

It means that the area measure found while when defining the material will be multiplied by the area of ​​the upper surface of the medivaladder.



It means that the The volume measure found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume of the material.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.


Rith number

It means that the Riser count

The number measure found while when defining the material will be multiplied used by multiplying the rith number of rises of the ladderstair.








The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.

Front length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length of the length measured while defining the material and the length of the front side according front side of the beam with respect to the beam viewing direction.

Back length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length of the length measured while defining the material and the length of the back side of the beam according to the viewing direction.

Average length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement value found when defining the material and the average length value found from the length of the front and back sides of the beam.

Average height

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length value found by taking the average of the height of the left and right ends of the beam with the length measure found while defining the material.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measure found when defining the material and the thickness of the beam.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the amount.

Front area

The It means that the value to be found by multiplying the area of ​​the area found measure found when defining the material with the area of ​​the front surface on the front with respect according to the beam's viewing direction means to will be used as the material area.

Back area

It means that the value to be found by multiplying the area measure found while defining the material with the area of ​​the surface on the back with respect to the beam's viewing direction will be used as the material area.

Front and back area

The value found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material and the sum of the front and back areas of the beam will be used as the material area.

Starting Start area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when while defining the material and the area of ​​the surface on the left according to the beam's viewing direction , means to will be used as the material area.

End area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found while defining the material and the area of ​​the surface on the right according to the beam's viewing direction, means to be used as the material area.

Start and end area

When defining the material, the value found by multiplying the sum of the area measure found on the left and right sides of the beam with the surface area on the left and right means the material area will be used.

Upper Top area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material with the area of ​​the surface remaining on the beam, means to be used as the material area.

Sub domainBottom area

The value to be found by multiplying the area of ​​the area found when defining the material and the area of ​​the surface under the beam means to be used as the material area.

Upper Top and lower bottom area

The value found by multiplying the total area sum of ​​the the area measure found when while defining the material with and the surface area areas on the upper and lower sides of the beam will be used as the material area.

Side area

The total value found by multiplying each of the surfaces on the sides of the beam with the area measure found when defining the material means to be used as the material area.



The It means that the volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.


It means that the volume measurement measure found when defining the material will be used by multiplying the beam volume.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.


The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.








The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.

Front length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length of the material found while defining the material and the length of the front side according to the curtain shearwall viewing direction.

Back length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length of the back side according to the viewing direction of the curtain shearwall with the length measure found while defining the material.

Average length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found when defining the material and the average length value found from the length of the front and back sides of the curtainshearwall.

Average height

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length value found while defining the material and the average length by taking the average of the height of the left and right ends of the curtainthe shearwall with the length measure found while defining the material.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measure found while when defining the material and the thickness of the curtainshearwall.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the amount.

Front area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when while defining the material and the area of ​​the surface on the front according to the viewing direction of the curtain shearwall will be used as the material area.

Back area

It means that the value to be found by multiplying the area measure found while defining the material with the area of ​​the surface at on the back of the curtain with respect side according to the viewing direction of the shearwall will be used as the material area.

Front and back area

The value found by multiplying the area measure found while defining the material and the sum of the front and back areas of the curtain shearwall will be used as the material area.

Starting Start area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when while defining the material and the area of ​​the surface on the left according to the viewing direction of the curtain shearwall will be used as the material area.

End area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material and the area of ​​the surface on the right side according to the viewing direction of the curtain shearwall will be used as the material area.

Start and end area

The value found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material and the sum of the left and right surface areas of the curtain shearwall will be used as the material area.

Upper Top area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material and with the area of ​​the surface remaining on the curtain will shearwall means to be used as the material area.

Sub domainBottom

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure size found when defining the material with and the area of ​​the surface under the curtain will shearwall means to be used as the material area.

Upper Top and lower bottom area

It means that the value found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material and the sum of the surface areas on the upper and lower sides of the curtain shearwall will be used as the material area.

Side area

The total value found by multiplying each of the surfaces on the sides of the curtain shearwall with the area measure found while when defining the material means to be used as the material area.



The It means that the volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.


It means that the volume measure found when defining the material will be used by multiplying the curtain shearwall volume.



The number count measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material numbercount.


The number count measure found while when defining the material, as the count of materials

It means it will be used exactly as the material number.










The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found while defining the material and the perimeter of the spacecolumn.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the amount.

Upper Top area

It means that the The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found while when defining the material with the area of ​​the surface above the site will remaining on the shearwall means to be used as the material area.

Sub domainBottom

The value to be found by multiplying the area of ​​the area size found when defining the material with and the area of ​​the surface under the space shearwall means to be used as the material area.

Upper Top and lower bottom area

When defining the material, It means that the value found by multiplying the sum of the area size measure found at when defining the top material and bottom the sum of the space and the surface areas at on the top upper and bottom lower sides of the space means to shearwall will be used as the material area.



The It means that the volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.


It means that the volume measurement measure found when defining the material will be used by multiplying the space shearwall volume.



The number count measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material numbercount.


The number count measure found while defining the material when defining the material, as the count of materials

It means it will be used exactly as the material number.









The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the perimeter of the slab with the length measure found while defining the material.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the amount.

Upper Top area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material with the area of ​​the surface remaining on the slab means to be used as the material area.

Sub domain

The Bottom area

It means that the value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when while defining the material and the area of ​​the surface under the floor means to slab will be used as the material area.

Upper Top and lower bottom area

When the material is defined, the The value found by multiplying the sum of the area measure found at when defining the top material and bottom the sum of the slab and the surface areas remaining at on the top upper and bottom lower sides of the slab means to will be used as the material area.



The It means that the volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.


It means that the volume measurement found when defining the material will be used by multiplying the floor volume.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.


The number count measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material numbercount.










The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the perimeter of the slab foundation with the length measure found while defining the material.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the amount.

Upper Top area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material with the area of ​​the surface remaining on the slab means to be used as the material area.

Sub domainBottom area

The value to be found by multiplying the area measure found when defining the material and the area of ​​the surface under the floor means to be used as the material area.

Upper Top and lower bottom area

When the material is defined, the value found by multiplying the sum of the area measure found at the top and bottom of the slab foundation and the surface areas remaining at the top and bottom of the slab foundation means to be used as the material area.



The volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.


It means that the volume measurement found when defining the material will be used by multiplying the floor foundation volume.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.


The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.


Continuous Basic

Strip Footing






The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.

Average length

It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found while defining the material and the average length value found from the length of the front and back sides of the flooring strip footing.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found while when defining the material and the thickness of the continuous foundationstrip footing.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found while defining the material and the height of the continuous foundationstrip footing.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the amount.



The volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.


It means that it will be used by multiplying the volume measurement found when defining the material will be used by multiplying and the volume of the flooring strip footing.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.


The number count measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material numbercount.


Single Footing

Singular Basic






The fixed measure used will be used exactly as the amount.



It means that the length measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the length value.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the circumference perimeter of the single foundation footing with the length measure found while defining the material.


It means that the length of the material will be found by multiplying the length measurement found when defining the material and the height of the single foundationfooting.



It means that the area measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the amount.



The volume measurement found when defining the material will be used exactly as the volume value.


It means that the volume measurement found when defining the material will be used by multiplying the floor volume.



The number measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material number.


The number count measure found while defining the material will be used exactly as the material numbercount.


Components Quantity Reports

  • Click on Tools/ Metrics Calculations/ Structural Components MetricsReport line in the classic menu, and Tools/ Metrics Quantity Report/ Building Components MetricsReport icon in the ribbon menu .

  • The Select Report dialog will open.

  • Select from the dialog Building Components Report-Grouped by Components, Building Components Report-Grouped by Stories , or General Building Components Report.

  • Click the OK button. The report will be generated.


Construction Cost Estimating Reports

For the cost calculation, the currency unit, the unit cost of the material and the amount of the material used in the material are defined. After this stage, the material in question is assigned to the object and the report is prepared by selecting the cost account in the quantity of building components.

  • Click on Tools/ Metrics Calculations/ Structural Components MetricsReport line in the classic menu, and Tools/ Metrics Quantity Report/ Building Components MetricsReport icon in the ribbon menu .

  • The Select Report dialog will open.

  • From Dialogue Estimated dialogue, select the Construction Cost select the rowEstimating line.

  • Click the OK button. The report will be generated.



Quantity Report According to DIN277 Standard

  • In the classical menu Tools/ Quantities Calculations/DIN277 Standard Films byReport the line, the ribbon menu Tools/ Films Quantity Report/ Films by Standard DIN277 Report click the icon.

  • Metrics Quantity reports will be formed.


Creating Quantity Report According to II BV Standard

  • In the classical menu Tools/ Quantities Calculations/II BV Standard Films byReport the line, the ribbon menu Tools/ Films Quantity Report/II BV by Standard FilmsReport click the icon.

  • In the dialog that opens, check the required options.

  • Metrics Quantity reports will be formed.


Import from OSKA

To share data with Oska, the version of Oska program that integrates with ideCAD must be installed on your computer. The Oska program is located in the C drive, under the E-oska folder, and in ideCAD it is accepted as this folder by default.


To upload a pose from OSKA;

  • Click the Tools/Design Building Components line in the classic menu , click Tools/ Quantities Quantity Report/Design Building Components in the ribbon menu .

  • The Category Settings dialog will open.

  • Dialogue in Oskam from the Download (Special Poses) or Oskam from the Download (Institution of exposureLoad Components From OSKA (User) or Load Components From OSKA (PWA), click one of the buttons.

  • Select the OSKA database (* .osx).

  • Poses will be loaded to be used in the project.


Import from AMP

To install import building components from AMP to ideCAD;

  • Click the Tools/Design Building Components line in the classic menu , click Tools/ Quantities Quantity Report/Design Building Components in the ribbon menu .

  • The Category Settings dialog will open.

  • Click the Install from Load Components From AMP button in the dialog.

  • Switch to the folder where the AMP database is located and double click the mdb file.

  • Poses will be loaded to be used in the project.


Export Components Database to OSKA

For data sharing with Oska OSK OSKA to the program idecad ideCAD for data sharing by providing integration with the version of the OSK OSK to OSKA to the program idecad ideCAD be installed on your computer that allows integration with the version required. OSKA program is located in the C drive under the E-oska folder, and in ideCAD it is accepted as this folder by default.


The "C: \ e-Oska" target directory written in the file content should be changed to the name of the directory where the Oska program was installed and the file should be saved as modified.

In order to transfer the building components in the project to the OSKA program;

  • Click the Tools/ Metrics Quantity Report/Export/ Structural Components Database to OSKA line in the classic menu, and the Tools / Metrics / Export / Export to OSKA icon in the ribbon menu .

  • You will receive a warning that the transfer has been made.



Components Database To AMP

To transfer the building components in the project to the AMP program;

  • Click Tools / Metrics / Export to AMP in the classic menu , click Tools/ Metrics Quantity Report/Export/Export to AMP icon in the ribbon menu .

  • You will receive a warning that the transfer has been made.