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Accessories section (available existing - required - excessdiffrence)

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At the left support of the beam, upper and lower; in the middle; clearance and mounting; in the right bracket; The sum of the available / required and surplus reinforcement areas is given as top and bottom. Just below, the loading combination of the reinforcement calculation and the moment values ​​of that combination are also written.

Sol moment0= Kiriş sol mesnetinde, moment sıfır noktasının, kiriş sol ucuna olan mesafesidir. Değer istenirse değiştirilebilir. Kiriş detaylarında pilyenin kırım mesafesi,  buraya yazan değer kadar alınır.

Sağ moment0= Kiriş sağ mesnetinde, moment sıfır noktasının, kiriş sağ ucuna olan mesafesidir. Değer istenirse değiştirilebilir. Kiriş detaylarında pilyenin kırım mesafesi,  buraya yazan değer kadar alınır.

Tasarım kesme kuvveti (Ve)

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Etriye hesabında kullanılan dizayn kesme kuvvetidirLeft moment0: At ​​the beam left support, the moment zero point is the distance from the left end of the beam. The value can be changed if desired. In the beam details, the break distance of the battery is taken as the value written here.

Right moment0: At ​​the beam right support, the moment zero point is the distance from the right end of the beam. The value can be changed if desired. In the beam details, the break distance of the battery is taken as the value written here.

Design shear force (Ve)

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It is the design shear force used in stirrup calculation.  

In beams of high ductility level;
Ve = Vdy ± (Mpi + Mpj) / ln
Vd: It is the shear force calculated under the combined effect of the vertical loads and earthquake multiplied by the load coefficients.
Mpi, Mpj: The left and right end are moments of carrying power. In beams of normal ductility level;
Vd value is taken directly as Ve.


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It is the maximum shear force that the section can carry.
Vmax = 0.22 fcd bw d
Ve <= Vmax or Ve <= Vr otherwise the cross section is insufficient. The program will then warn of insufficient section for the beam in question.


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It is the shear force that creates the oblique crack.
Vcr: 0.65 fctd bw d


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It is the shear force carried by concrete.
And if - Vdy> = 0.5 Vd then Vc = 0 is taken.
Otherwise, Vc = 0.8 Vcr is calculated.
Vd: It is the calculated shear force under the combined effect of vertical loads and earthquake loads multiplied by load factors.


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It is the maximum cutting force value that the section can carry. The design shear force Ve used in stirrup calculation is not allowed to exceed Vr.

The method followed in the calculation of Vr:
Vw: It is the contribution of shear reinforcement to the shear strength.
Vw = (Asw / s) * fywd * d
Vr = Vc + Vw The
contribution of the battery to the shear force is never included in the shear calculation.


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And the loading that gives its value is the name of the combination.


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Support for cutting calculation ... (left or right)

asw / s

It is the area of ​​1 meter of single arm stirrup found for densification zone as a result of shear force calculation. And it is calculated.

And = Vdy ± (Mpi + Mpj) / ln

If And> Vmax or Ve> Vr, the cross section is insufficient.

And Asw / s is calculated from the formula of = (Asw / s) * fywd * d + 0.8 Vc. S is accepted as 1 meter.

 And if - Vdy> = 0.5 Vd then Vc = 0 is taken.

The asw / s value is never allowed to be less than 0.3 (fctd / fywd) * bw.


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It is the stirrup reinforcement rebar selected from the Asw / s value. It is shown as the number of stirrups, the diameter of the reinforcementrebar, the middle and the spacing in the densification region, respectively.


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T-Beam width

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Beam is the plate value. It is the beam width value in rectangular sections. (b)

In symmetrical sections;
b = bw + 1/5 lp

For unsymmetrical sections,
b = b1 + 1/10 lp
lp = a ln

For a, the following values ​​can be used:
Single span simply supported beams a = 1
Continuous beams (side span) a = 0.8
Continuous beams (center span) a = 0.6 For
cantilever beams a = 1.5

Upper limits
b <= bw + 12 hf (symmetrical section)
b <= £ b1 + 6 hf (asymmetric section)

b <= bw + ½ an (symmetrical section)
b <= b1 + ½ an (asymmetric section)

Jul. Ack.

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Clear span

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It is the net span value of the beam from inside the column to the inside of the column, from the beam edge to the beam edge if the beam is supported to another beam.

Concrete fck

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The characteristic of concrete is its compressive strength.

Concrete fcd

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The characteristic calculation of concrete is its compressive strength.

Concrete fctd

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The characteristic calculation of concrete is its tensile strength.

Steel Rebar fyk

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Reinforcement is the yield strength of steelrebar.

Steel Rebar fyd

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It is the calculation strength of reinforcement rebar steel.

Cross Diagonal reinforcement

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Lists the control information in table form of the cross reinforcement diagonal rebar design related information in the tie beams. (TBDY Article 7.6.8)

Ln> 2hk and V <= 1.5 bw d fcd checks are made.

Asd = Vd / (2fydsin (y))

ln: Beam clear span
hk: Beam height
Vd: Shear force calculated under the combined effect of vertical loads and earthquake loads multiplied by load factors

d = hk-spacers

fctd: Concrete characteristic calculation tensile strength
Sin (y): Angle of cross reinforcement bundle with horizontal
Asd: Total area of ​​reinforcement in each cross reinforcement bundle
Number and diameter of  cross reinforcement bundle
Stirrup: Stirrup value of cross reinforcement bundle in terms of diameter and spacing
