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According to the ductility level you choose and the type of structural system in X direction, the appropriate structural system type is selected from the list. Table 12.2-1 includes structural height limitations.


According to the previous selections, some building types are not allowed to be selected at this step within the scope of the principles specified in TDBY 2018.

Bu konunun çalışması yapılacaktır.


How the building behavior coefficient is determined is shown in the flow diagram below.

Bu konunun çalışması yapılacaktır.



Yer alacak taşıyıcı sistem tipleri için Table 12.2-1’den bizim yapmadığımız yığma, coldformed çelik yapı gibi kısımlar elenerek ekrana gelecek tablonun çalışılması gerekir. Aynı zamanda bizde BYS olan kısımda Amerikan doğrudan yüksekliğe ve seismic design category sine göre seçim yaptırıyor, tablonun bu şekilde genişletilmesi gerekir.

... Increased Structural Height Limit for Steel Eccentrically Braced Frames, Steel Special Concentrically Braced Frames, Steel Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames, Steel Special Plate Shear Walls, and Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls. The limits on structural height, hn, in Table 12.2-1 are permitted to be increased from 160 ft (50 m) to 240 ft (75 m) for structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories D or E and from 100 ft (30 m) to 160 ft (50 m) for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category F, provided that the seismic force-resisting systems are limited to steel eccentrically braced frames, steel special concentrically braced frames, steel buckling-restrained braced frames, steel special plate shear walls, or pecial reinforced concrete cast-in-place shear walls and both of the following requirements are met:


The structure shall not have an extreme torsional irregularity as defined in Table 12.3-1 (horizontal structural irregularity Type 1b).


In ASCE 7-16 Wizard, structural type and response modification coefficient and overstrength factor should be choosen for X and Y directions.