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Spectral displacement is calculated from S (1) only in the first step, and this value is used in all steps of the impulse analysis. Spectral displacement S from (1) value TBDY Section 2.3.4 as defined in horizontal elastic design spectrum is found using. S in the term from S to (1) also means spectral displacement. The index "n" in this term indicates the mode in which mode and the index (1) indicates the step in which operation is performed. Thus S from (1)It is the spectral displacement calculated for the n th mode in the 1st push step. This value is calculated for all vibration modes calculated in the first step of the building as follows. The value of (1) from S is calculated by the following formula.


The value of S aen (1) is the spectral acceleration value found for each vibration mode using Yatay Elastik Tasarım Spektrumu Horizontal Elastic Design Spectrum . The figure below shows how the values ​​of S aen (1) are found for 3 modes (n = 1, n = 2 and n = 3 for the third mode) as a representation. The S ae values, which are the equivalents of the periods obtained from the modal analysis results from the first impulse step in the horizontal elastic design spectrum, are found. In the term S aen (1), the index "n" indicates the mode in which and the index (1) indicates the step in which step is processed. The term S ae turns into the term S aen (1) in the ARSA method .


The graph of the performance point calculation in the pushover analysis of the "equal displacement rule" with ARSA method is shown in the figure below. The line drawn in blue expresses the Elastic Response Spectrum . The ones drawn in red are the " Modal displacement (d) - modal acceleration (a) " coordinates and the thrust curves calculated for each mode. Modal displacement (d) value on the horizontal axis of the point where the line continuing with the initial stiffness intersects the Elastic Response Spectrum in the repulsion curves drawn for each mode, indicates the performance point and is shown with (PN). The performance point is determined using the Elastic Response Spectrum . S aen for each nth vibration modeAfter finding (1) and ω n (1) , it is calculated from S (1) and thus elastic spectral displacements of that mode are calculated. This value is the largest displacement the system can make in the elastic state. According to the equal displacement rule, the elastic spectral displacement of that mode is equal to the nonlinear displacement of that mode. In this way, the performance point is determined for each nth vibration mode.
