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At the end of each step, it is checked whether it exceeds the maximum unit value or not. If the value does not exceed the highest value, the repulsion analysis is continued by going to the next step. If it exceeds, the push step reached is represented by the superscript (p), which is defined as the last push step. Considering that = 1, the incremental spectrum scale coefficient of the last step is calculated with the following equation.

(blue star)(blue star)


Modal Sözde İvme Artımı, Modal Deplasman Artımı ve Birikimli Ölçek Katsayısı Belirlenmesi


Determination of Modal Pseudo-Acceleration, Modal Displacement Increment and Cumulative Scale Coefficient


Any mode in C Rn case of> 1 S as the earthquake data from (1) instead of C R S de (1) received. This situation is shown in the above equation. Since the earthquake data is taken from C Rn S as (1) , the and Their size should be calculated using (1) from C Rn S. In this case, the displacement, plastic deformation or internal force values ​​calculated for the last step (X) and (Y) are calculated for earthquake loads as shown in the following equation.
