Versions Compared


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  • The excel file containing the accounts calculations described below can be examined.


  • Reduced design acceleration spectra are obtained by using the R and D coefficients determined according to TBDY 2018 Table 4.1 and the (4/5)R and D coefficients at the end of the curtain tilt controlscontrol of shearwall overturning moment.

  • In TBDY 2018 , the horizontal elastic design spectrum is reduced by the earthquake load reduction coefficient Ra(T).


  • Using the Building Importance Coefficient Factor, I = 1 for the upper part of the building and R = 4.8, D = 2.5 in the X and Y direction, a reduced horizontal elastic design spectrum for DD-2 in both directions was is obtained.

  • In the following visuals , the calculation of Ra (T) and the calculation of the reduced design spectrum with the help of excel are included. The equations given above are used in this calculation.


  • In the graph above, it is seen that the reduced spectrum calculated manually and the reduced spectrum calculated by ideCAD overlap and the calculation is correct.

Reduced Design Spectrum for the


Basements of the Building


  • In accordance with TBDY 2018, the Building Importance Coefficient Factor for the lower part of the building is taken by taking I = 1, R = 2.5 and D = 1.5 and the horizontal elastic design spectrum reduced in both directions for the earthquake level DD-2 is calculateddetermined.
