mi = total mass of the i'th storey
miθ = mass moment of inertia of the i'th storey
mixn (X) = (X) for the earthquake direction, the i'th storey modal effective mass of the nth natural vibration mode of the building in the x-axis direction
miyn (X) = (X) for the earthquake direction i'th storey modal effective mass
miθn (X) = (X) of the building's nth natural vibration around the z-axis for the earthquake direction i'th storey modal effective mass moment of inertia
mj (S) = Finite Element Analysis node j to effect individual masses
mtxn (X) = (X) earthquake direction for building the x-axis direction of the nth vibration mode of base shear modal effective mass
mtyne (Y) = (Y) earthquakes base shear in the building along the y axis for the direction of modal effective mass
rmax (X) = (X) earthquake direction for any behavior variables (displacements and relative storey drift, strain component) corresponding to the coupled typically to maximum modal behavior of size
rn (X) = Typical unit modal behavior magnitude corresponding to any action magnitude (displacement, relative floor displacement, internal force component) for the earthquake direction in the nth natural vibration mode (X),
rn,max (X) = nth natural vibration mode ( X) Typical largest modal behavior magnitude corresponding to any action magnitude (displacement, relative floor displacement, internal force component) for the earthquake direction
SaR (Tn ) = reduced design spectral acceleration for the nth vibration mode
Tn = nth mode natural vibration period
βmn = ratio of mth and nth natural vibration periods
Φi (X) n = nth natural vibration mode shape amplitude at i'th storey (X) earthquake direction
Φixn =nth natural vibration mode shape amplitude ati'th storey in x-axis direction
Φiyn = y-axis at i'th storey nth natural vibration mode shape amplitude in the direction
θiθn = nth natural vibration mode shape amplitude as rotation around the z-axis at the ith storey
Γx (X) = (X) for the earthquake direction, modal contribution of the nth vibration mode multiplier
ξn = modal damping ratio of the nth vibration mode
ωn = Natural vibration angular frequency of the nth vibration mode
ρmn = Cross correlation coefficient of the mth and nth natural vibration modes in the Complete Quadratic Combination Rule