(4) Members which are subjected to combined bending and axial compression should satisfy:
Mathinline |
body | --uriencoded--$$ \normalsize \frac %7BN_%7Bed%7D%7D%7B \frac %7B\chi_y N_%7BRk%7D%7D%7B\gamma_%7BM1%7D%7D%7D + k_%7Byy%7D \frac %7BM_%7By,Ed%7D+\Delta M_%7By,Ed%7D%7D%7B \chi_%7BLT%7D \frac %7B M_%7By, Rk%7D%7D%7B\gamma_%7BM1%7D%7D%7D + k_%7Byz%7D \frac %7BM_%7Bz,Ed%7D+\Delta M_%7Bz,Ed%7D%7D%7B \frac %7B M_%7Bz, Rk%7D%7D%7B\gamma_%7BM1%7D%7D%7D \leq 1 & \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad (6.61) \\ \frac %7BN_%7Bed%7D%7D%7B \frac %7B\chi_z N_%7BRk%7D%7D%7B\gamma_%7BM1%7D%7D%7D + k_%7Bzy%7D \frac %7BM_%7By,Ed%7D+\Delta M_%7By,Ed%7D%7D%7B \chi_%7BLT%7D \frac %7B M_%7By, Rk%7D%7D%7B\gamma_%7BM1%7D%7D%7D + k_%7Bzz%7D \frac %7BM_%7Bz,Ed%7D+\Delta M_%7Bz,Ed%7D%7D%7B \frac %7B M_%7Bz, Rk%7D%7D%7B\gamma_%7BM1%7D%7D%7D \leq 1 & \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad (6.62) $$ |
where NEd, My,Ed and Mz,Ed are the design values of the compression force and the maximum moments
about the y-y and z-z axis along the member, respectively
ΔMy,Ed, ΔMz,Ed are the moments due to the shift of the centroidal axis according to for
class 4 sections, see Table 6.7,
χy and χz are the reduction factors due to flexural buckling from 6.3.1
χLT is the reduction factors due to lateral torsional buckling from 6.3.2
kyy, kyz, kzy, kzz are the interaction factors