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body--uriencoded--$$ \normalsize I_%7BLB%7D = I_s + A_s (Y_%7BENA%7D - d_3)%5e2 + ( \Sigma Q_n / F_y) (2d_3 + d_1- Y_%7BENA%7D)%5e2 \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad (C-13-1) $$


As : Area of steel cross section, in.2 (mm2).
d1 : distance from the compression force in the concrete to the top of the steel section, in. (mm)
d3 : distance from the resultant steel tension force for full section tension yield to the top of the steel, in. (mm)
ILB : lower bound moment of inertia, in.4 (mm4).
Is : moment of inertia for the structural steel section, in.4 (mm4).
ΣQn : sum of the nominal strengths of steel anchors between the point of maximum positive moment and the point of zero moment to either side, kips (kN)

body--uriencoded--$$ \normalsize Y_%7BENA%7D = [A_s d_3 + ( \Sigma Qn/F_y )(2d_3 + d_1)] / [A_s + (\Sigma Q_n / F_y)], \text%7B in. (mm)%7D \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad (C-13-2) $$
