SBR001 BASE STORY Steel Brace ductility check failure.
Cross-section conditions of steel structural system braces with high ductility level and normal ductility level are checked in accordance with TBDY Table 9.3. The head width/thickness and body height/thickness ratios of steel elements should not exceed the λ hd or λ md limit value given in Table 9.3 .
Ductility control in steel brace design with high ductility level is carried out by taking into account buckling conditions according to TBDY 2018, Design, Calculation and Construction Principles of Steel Structures (GKT and highly ductile braces is checked in accordance with TBDY 2018, CYTHYE 2016 (GKT & YDKT), AISC 360-16 (ASD and & LRFD) or EN 1993-1-1 regulationscodes.
In TBDY 2018, it was stated that the slenderness ratio should not exceed the limit value of KL/i ≤ 200 for braces with high ductility level and limited ductility levelAccording to AISC 341-16 and AISC 360-16, the effective slenderness ratio KL/r ≤ 200 for highly ductile compression members should be satisfied.
Possible Solutions:
A brace system can be created in such a way that the lengths of the braces whose names and floors are given are shortened. As the element size decreases, the slenderness value will decrease.
The cross-section size of the brace member can be increased.
Brace length can be reduced. If the element length is reduced, the axial compressive strength increases.
Steel element cross-section can be enlarged.
K: effective length factor
L: laterally unbraced length of the member
r: radius of gyration