How does ideCAD design Four Bolts Unstiffened End Plate Connection according to AISC 360-16?
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Lh = distance between plastic hinge locations, in. (mm)
Lst = length of stiffener, as shown in Figure 6.5, in. (mm)
Mpr = probable maximum moment at plastic hinge, kip-in. (N-mm), given by Equation 2.4-1
Sh = distance from face of column to plastic hinge, in. (mm)
= the lesser of d/2 or 3bbf for an unstiffened connection (4E)
= Lst + tp for a stiffened connection (4ES, 8ES)
Vgravity = beam shear force resulting from 1.2D + f1L + 0.2S (where f1 is a load factor determined by the applicable building code for live loads, but not less than 0.5), kips (N)
Vu= shear force at end of beam, kips (N)
bbf = width of beam flange, in. (mm)
d = depth of connecting beam, in. (mm)
tp = thickness of end-plate, in. (mm)
Ductile failure limit state (Yielding Limit State):