Every element (axis, column, wall, beam, line, circle, etc.) you draw in the drawing area is called an object. For There are two methods for operations such as deleting, moving, rotating, changing their properties, it is necessary to select the relevant objects first.The the properties of objects. First one is that the object is selected after entering the command. Second one is that the command is entered after the object is selected. In both methods, the selected object changes color according to the customizable selected object color.
There are various methods for selecting objects in the program.
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Selection With Left Mouse Button
The mouse is placed on the object to be selected and the left mouse button is clicked.
The selection disappears when the selected object is clicked again.
Window Selection
Click an empty point in the drawing area with the left mouse button. When the mouse is dragged, a frame also moves with the mouse. The frame size is adjusted so that the objects to be selected are within this frame and the left mouse button is clicked again. Objects that are all within the frame will be selected.
Crossing Selection
It works in the same way as the window selection process, but unlike window selection, the elements that pass through the window's line are also selected. With alternating selection, the selection window appears with a dashed line.
Click an empty point in the drawing area with the left mouse button. When the mouse is moved from bottom left to top right, a dashed frame also moves with the mouse. The left mouse button is clicked again.
If the operation is done from top right to bottom left, the selected selection is activated by holding down the shift key on the keyboard.
All objects that the frame touches and are completely within the frame are selected.When properties are changed in selected objects, only the changed information is updated on the objects.
There are various methods for selecting objects in the ideCAD.
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The Select All command can also be run by pressing the Ctrl and A keys together on the keyboard. The Select all command selects all entities.
If Select All is used in any object command , all objects belonging to that command are selected. If Select All is used when all stories are visible in the 3D view and in the object command, only the objects belonging to that command are selected in all stories.
If Select All is used when all stories are visible in the 3D view, all objects are selected in all stories.
Select None (Ctrl+D)
By pressing the Ctrl and D keys together on the keyboard, the selection process is canceled for all the selected objects.
Select Similar
In the menu that appears by pressing the right mouse button while on an object, by specifying certain properties with the "Select Similar" command, similar objects that fit these properties can be selected at once.
In the screenshot below, the Select Similar dialog box appears during the process.
In this dialog, only the elements with the selected properties are selected according to the features marked.
Get Selection/Set Selection
You can save the selected objects by pressing CTRL+1 keys. Even if you perform operations and make other selection operations in between, you can select the selection you have memorized again at any time with the CTRL+2 keys.
Remembering the Last Selection
To re-select the previous selection, click the Edit/Last Selection line in the classic menu and the Drawings/Edit/Last Selection icon in the ribbon menu . By making a selection with this command, the objects that are being worked on can be selected again in one go.
Selection Groups
You can create Selection Groups to re-select selected elements in the program at any time during the project.
Sequence of action:
Select the objects to be included in the selection group.
Click on the Tools/Selection Groups/Group List icon.
Click the Make Group icon in the Group Selection dialog.
Enter a name for the choice group and click the OK button.
The objects previously selected in the drawing area will be included in the created group and the group name will take its place in the list of existing groups.
In this way, you can create as many choice groups as you want.
In the dialog, the elements belonging to the selected group from the list are selected with Select. If the elements belonging to the group selected from the list are selected by selecting, their selection is left.
Invert Selection
To invert selection, click the Edit/Invert Selection line in the classic menu and the Drawings/Edit/Invert Selection icon in the ribbon menu . With Invert Selection, the selected entities are unselected and unselected entities are selected at the same time.
Select Entity in All Stories (Ctrl+B)
An object selected in the story plan view can be selected on all stories with the Crtl+B key.
Editing the Object Selection Color
Selected objects change color on the screen. When you want to use a different color than the default object color in the program;
Click the Settings/Preferences line in the classic menu and the Settings/Settings/Preferences icon in the ribbon menu.
In the Preferences dialog that opens , click the color box opposite the "Selected" line from the Colors section in the General tab with the left mouse button.
Keeping the key pressed, the mouse moves over the opened color palette. When the wanted color is reached, the button is released. If wanted, color selection can be made by entering the color number.
When the OK button is clicked and the dialog is exited, the selected color is assigned as the newly selected object color.
Setting the Object Selection Distance
The default is 5 pixels. If the mouse cursor is within the selection range of the object, the object is selected when the mouse is clicked. The larger the value entered in the selection distance, the more the object can be selected from a further distance. The smaller the value, the closer the cursor will be to the object to make a selection. The name of the object to be selected appears in the information box in the lower left corner of the screen. At this moment, the cursor is within the selection range. At this stage, if the left mouse button is clicked, the object will be selected.
Click the Settings/Preferences line in the classic menu and the Settings/Settings/Preferences icon in the ribbon menu.
After changing the selection distance line value, click the OK button.