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There are 2 main principles used in the design of steel elements and joints.


AISC 360-16

  1. Allowable Strength Design - AISC 360-16 ASD




  1. Load Resistance Factor Design - AISC 360-16 LRFD







Increasing The regulations specify the increment of loads affecting that act into the structure with a certain coefficient coefficients and decreasing decrease the capacity of the building elements structural members' capacity with certain coefficients are specified by the regulations. Different loads (verticaluniform, fixedconcentrated, mobilelive, snow, wind, earthquake, etc.) are multiplied by the load increase coefficient in case the coefficients for the cases when the load estimation computation is incompletedone incompletely. The capacity determined depending on of the member is determined according to the cross-section and material properties, on the other hand, includes which is reduced by certain coefficients in order to take into account the deviations in material properties, production errorsmanufacturing defects, etc. Design strengths are obtained by using reduction coefficients determined considering the effects.

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