Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The preferences dialog is the dialog that includes the general settings of the ideCAD. In this dialog, many options can be set, from the node snap factor, to units, from grid settings to axis bordersGeneral settings such as node snap factor, units, grid settings, axis borders, project information, material, profile, design and drawing settings are adjusted in the ideCAD Settings dialog. Many settings can be accessed from the preferences, transparent story settings, viewport configuration, input units, design units, project information, materials, annotations objects, rc design settings, concrete detailing and steel detailing tabs.

Location of the Preferences Command

In the Architectural Program

You can access it under the ribbon menu Settings tab Project Settings title in the architectural program .


In Structural Program

You can access it under the ribbon menu Settings tab Settings title in the structural program .


General Tab






Traces are created on the selected objects to show that they have been selected. In this option, the color of these traces is set. Whichever color was set, the object takes on that color when it is selected.


Background (2D)


The color of the 2D worksheet is set.


Background (3D- Top)


The color of the top of the 3D worksheet is adjusted.


Background (3D- Bottom)


The color of the bottom of the 3D worksheet is adjusted.




By checking the autosave option, the project will be automatically backed up at the specified interval. Project backups will be automatically saved to the folder where the main file is located during the run.


Work with backups (* .bak)


By activating the option, a copy of the previous version of the project with bak extension is created during the project registration process.


Load last project on startup


If checked, the last worked project will be loaded automatically when the ideCAD is opened.


Draw column axis


The color of the line indicating the major direction of the column is adjusted. If the option is selected, this line is shown in the plan.


Use ribbon menu


If checked, it works with the ribbon menu layout and if unchecked, it works with the classic menu layout. After the option is changed, you have to exit the ideCAD and run it again in order to use the selection.


Auto scale ribbon icons according to DPI


It allows to automatically adjust the ribbon menu icon sizes according to the resolution of your computer screen. It helps to solve the problem that icons appear small on high resolution screens.


Use right button for context menu


If this option is selected, the right menu opens when the right mouse button is pressed. When the mouse is hovered over an object and the right mouse button is clicked, a list of the most used commands related to the object will be opened.

If the option is not selected, the right mouse button will work as a command repeat.


Apply settings to all drawing windows


It will ensure that the settings made for the current drawing window will also be valid for other currently open windows.

Drawing Tab




Show nodes


It allows the node points to be visible in the plan or not. If checked, nodes are visible in the plan and not visible if not marked.




In case the node points are shown, the diameter of the visible in the plan is set on this line. Its unit is pixel.




In the case where the node points are shown, the color shown in the plan is selected.


Selected color


In case the nodes of the selected object are shown, the color shown in the plan is selected.


Node snap factor


During node selection, the distance to click is set. If the mouse cursor is around the node snap factor near the node, it allows the node to be selected by clicking the left button.


Snap distance


During the object selection, the distance to be clicked is adjusted. If the mouse cursor is around the object's snap distance setting, you can select the object. The value entered here also affects the difficulty / ease of selection (its unit is pixel).


Snap to grid


Used for the cursor to catch the intersection points of the grid lines. Mark the line for locking possibility.


Snap to nodes


Used for the cursor to jump (snap) to nodes. Check the locking facility line.


Snap to grid as nodes


Check if you want the cursor to catch the grid points while in object mode.


Ortho active


Check if you want to turn on ortho mode. Vertical mode provides ease of drawing objects at 0 and 90 degrees.


General geometry check


Mark for automatic general geometry check. It is recommended to keep the line marked in order to immediately avoid possible errors (geometric errors) that may be encountered while drawing.


Draw horizontal size of column & shearwall dimensions first


When this option is selected, in places where column and shearwall names are written such as formwork, column application, report, the dimension of the column and shearwall dimensions parallel to the x axis is written first. For example, let's define a column that is 25 vertical and 60 cm horizontal. We can define the ideCAD possibilities as we want by rotating this column. When this option is checked, the column dimensions will be written as 25/60 regardless of how the definition is made.

Grid & Limits




Show grid


The grid lines are made visible by checking the option.


X/Y/ Z spacing


Spacing values ​​are entered for grid lines in X, Y and Z planes.


Color (2D)


The color of the grid lines is selected for 2D windows.


Color (3D)


The color of the grid lines is selected for 3D windows.


Helper grid


By checking the option, helper grid become visible between the grid lines.


Division count


The distance between the helper grid lines is entered.


Color (2D)


The color of the helper grid is selected for 2D windows.


Color (3D)


The color of the helper grid is selected for 3D windows.


Axis border


The axis limits are made visible by selecting the option.


Contour lines


Contour lines are made visible by checking the option.


Border color


The axis border and the color of the border lines are selected.


Drawing limits


Drawing limits are determined by entering values ​​for the lower left and upper right corners.

Input Units Tab






If checked, all units are meters. The variables, coordinates, dimensions in the dialogs are defined in meters.




If checked, all units are centimeters. The variables, coordinates and dimensions in the dialogs are defined in centimeters.




If checked, all units are millimeters. The variables, coordinates and dimensions in the dialogs are defined in millimeters.


Feet and fractional inches


If checked, all units are feet and fractional inches. The variables, coordinates and dimensions in the dialogs are defined in this unit. The unit format is for example 15 '-10 3/4 ".


Feet and decimal inches


If checked, all units are feet and decimal places inches. The variables, coordinates and dimensions in the dialogs are defined in this unit. The unit format is eg 15 '- 10.7 ".


Decimal feet


If checked, all units become feet with decimal places. The variables, coordinates and dimensions in the dialogs are defined in this unit. The unit format is for example 15.89 '.


Fractional inches


If checked, all units are fractional inches. The variables, coordinates and dimensions in the dialogs are defined in this unit. Unit format is for example 1901/2 .


Decimal inches


If checked, all units are inches with decimal places. The variables, coordinates and dimensions in the dialogs are defined in this unit. The unit format is for example 190.7 ".


Also, there is a "Units" tab in the settings of some objects, such as door / window and dimensioning settings. The setting made here is used for the object in question.

Polar Tracking Tab




Polar tracking on (F3)


Activates polar tracking mode. In any drawing command, when the cursor is moved after the first point is given, the cursor snaps to defined angles.


Increment angle


Determines the angles that the cursor will snap to with an increment of the entered angle value. For example, given the increment angle 30, polar tracking works for 0, 30, 60, 90,120.150 etc angles.


Additional angles


Activates polar tracking for additional angles other than increment angle. Polar tracking is also activated for additional angles.




Adds additional angle.




Additional angle deletes.


Dynamic input on


It allows entering angle and length information at the same time without using the coordinate box while entering the object.


It determines how many digits will be shown after the comma. The desired number is selected from the list. For example, if 2 is selected, units will be shown as two digits after the comma. If 0 is selected, units will not be shown after the comma.




It determines the precision of the dimension to be made in fractional inch format. In the list, there are options with a sensitivity of 1/2, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/34. If "no fraction" is selected, units will appear without fractions.

Next Topic

Apply Preferences Settings to All WindowsTab