Free drawn by giving points without being attached to any object. It becomes active on sweep, cartonpierreceiling cornice, baseboard, border on the wall and cordon.
For example, in this mode, 1, 2 and consecutive points are clicked to draw a sweep.
Usage step |
Determining the first point by clicking the left mouse button |
Determination of the second point |
Creating a sweep |
Path Based
Draws a sweep based on the path. It becomes active on sweep, cartonpierreceiling cornice, baseboard, border on the wall and cordon.
For example, in this mode, the line drawn with the path command is clicked to draw a sweep.
Usage step |
Determining the route by path |
Choosing the route |
Creating a sweep |
Parent Base and Story Bottom Aligned
It draws a sweep by adhering to the contour of an object such as zone, slab, etc. with a parent base. It becomes active on sweep, cartonpierreceiling cornice, baseboard, border on the wall, roof gutter and dome gutter.
With Story Bottom Aligned, it automatically adjusts the object elevation to be the same as the story level and draws the object at that elevation. It becomes active on sweep, cartonpierreceiling cornice, baseboard, border on the wall and cordon.
For example, in these modes, click on the area to draw a baseboard.
Usage step |
Choosing the zone |
Formation of the baseboard |
Wall Based and Story Alignment Free
With Story Alignment Free , it takes the elevation of the object as much as the given elevation and draws the object at that elevation. You can make the elevation from the sweep settings dialog. It becomes active on sweep, cartonpierreceiling cornice, baseboard, border on the wall and cordon.
For example, in these modes, walls are selected to draw borders on the wall.
Usage step |
Choosing the walls |
Formation of a border on the wall |
Story Top Aligned
Story Top Aligned automatically adjusts the object elevation to be the same as the story ceiling elevation and draws the object at that elevation. It becomes active on sweep, cartonpierreceiling cornice, baseboard, border on the wall and cordon.
For example, in this mode, slab is selected to draw cartonpierreceiling cornice.
Usage step |
Choosing the slab |
Formation of |
ceiling cornice |
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