Specifications |
ID It is the name of the steel joists in the plan. |
Section It is the section used in steel joist elements. |
Material It is the material used in steel joist elements. |
Combination It is the load combination that produces the most unfavorable axial capacity ratio. |
Pr It is the largest axial force calculated by using load coefficients among the elements forming the steel joists. |
phi*Pn It is the most unfavourable safe axial strength among the elements forming the steel joist. |
Ratio It is the axial capacity ratio. |
Strength check It is an information box whose sign changes according to the presence or absence of negativity in the section. |
Slenderness It is the delicacy value of the steel joist elements. |
Limit value The maximum permitted slenderness of the steel joist elements |
Slenderness check It is an information box whose sign changes according to whether the delicacy limit is exceeded or not. |
Previous The cursor moves to the previous line. |
Next The cursor goes to the next line. |
OK It saves the changes made and closes the dialog. |
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving the changes made. |
Summary Information The summary information about the line where the cursor is located is given in the name of the dialog in story, pose format. For example, BASE STORY, TRS001 |
Using the Shift key In this tab, you can select more than one row with the Shift key, enter a value by double-clicking any cell whose value is open to change, and make that value apply to all selected rows. |
Using the Ctrl key Ctrl key selects the lines in between one by one. |
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