The advanced array command has been developed to clone objects on a specific line. This pattern line can consist of lines, circles, arcs, or curves.
Location of the Advanced Array Command
Advanced Array command can be run from the toolbar on the left side of the program.
In addition, the Drawings tab is available under the Edit heading.
Options in the Advanced Array Dialog
Specifications | Descriptions |
Distance | If selected, objects are reproduced based on the range entered here. The distance between the base points of two duplicated objects is the distance entered in this box. |
Count | If selected, objects are reproduced based on the number entered here. This number of objects are placed at equal intervals on the reproduction line. |
Rotate objects | If checked, the duplicated objects will be rotated due to slope changes in the pattern line. |
Delete path objects | If checked, the reference pattern line is deleted after objects have been duplicated. If not checked, the propagation line is not deleted. |
Usage Steps With an Example:
First, determine the pattern line by drawing line, circle, arc, curve (open or closed Bezier, Nurbs) objects. The pattern line can be just a circle, line, arc or a combination of these.
Click the Advanced Array icon on the left toolbar.
Select the object or objects you want to duplicate in the drawing area by clicking with the left mouse button, then click the right mouse button.
Click with the left mouse button to give the base point. (The base point can be any point or it is usually given as one of the object nodes. Objects are reproduced based on this point. Base points are located on the reproduction line.)
Determine the base direction by clicking a second point in the drawing area with the left button.
Select the object or objects (line, circle, arc, etc.) that make up the pattern line by clicking with the left mouse button.
Click the right mouse button after the selection is completed. The Advanced Array dialog will be displayed.
Make the necessary settings in this dialog and click the OK button. Objects will be reproduced according to the given parameters and the selected line.