What is Integrated Architecture?

Integrated Architecture with ideCAD is an innovative Architecture Software Design Solution.

With advanced modeling tools for architectural modeling, Integrated architectural designs go as you plan. ideCAD offers a powerful and collaborative environment for better workflows.

What is the integrated design approach in Architecture?

Integrated design with ideCAD brings Architects and Structural Engineers together on one Building Design.

ideCAD One AEC Suite provides Architects and Structural Engineers with Architectural-Structural Integration, facilitating project delivery from early-stage design to fabrication. Efficiently Design and detail buildings with ideCAD One AEC Suite and Optimize Building Design with integrated Building Information Modeling BIM tools.

What are the benefits of integrated design?

Bringing Architects and Structural Engineers together at the integrated Architecture software from the beginning of project design helps streamline the process

Architects and Structural Engineers can make better, more informed design decisions when collaborating on a project in the early phases.

Explore the Building Design Components


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