Drawing a Column Support

The column supports are drawn with the column support command. In order to draw a column support, defined columns are required first. First, columns are drawn and column supports are placed on these columns.

Location of Column Support Command

In the Architectural Program

You can access it under the ribbon menu Home tab Concrete title.

In Structural Program

You can access it under the ribbon menu Concrete tab Concrete title.

Column Support Toolbar



Rectangular column

Runs the drawing column command. With the column command, the column support toolbar is also closed and the column toolbar appears on the screen.

Default column support

Draws the column support according to the delta values ​​in the column support settings. In the mode, 1 key on the keyboard also executes this command.

Edge aligned column support

It is used to define the column support aside, without entering the column support settings. In the mode, 2 keys on the keyboard also execute this command.

Corner aligned column support

It is used to define a corner aligned column support without entering the column support settings. In the mode, 3 keys on the keyboard also execute this command.

Centered column support

Convenience for centered column support. In mode, all 4 keys on the keyboard will run this command.

Exchange coordinates

Exchanges column support dimensions.

Column support dimension boxes

Column support width/height value can be entered here without entering the column support settings.


Opens the Column Support Settings dialog. Various parameters related to the column head can be set here.

Usage Step

To draw the column support:

  • Click the column support icon from the ribbon menu.

  • The column support toolbar will open.

  • You can define the column support by holding from different points by using the alignment buttons on the column suppor toolbar. From bottom to top; there are default, edge aligned, corner aligned, centered aligned column support options.

  • Depending on the alignment you choose, your nodes will be formed. In the picture below, the column support placements according to different alignment types with the nodes in the same direction.

  • Choose the type of alignment that's right for you.

  • The preview of your column support will move with the movement of your mouse.

  • Drag the mouse cursor over the column where you want to place the column support and click the left mouse button. The preview of your column support will be fixed.

  • Enter the column support dimensions in the support dimensions boxes in the column support toolbar. As you enter the value, the preview of your column support will change.

  • If the X and Y dimensions of the column supports are different from each other, you can invert the dimensions at this stage by clicking the invert dimensions icon from the column support toolbar or by pressing the space key on the keyboard.

  • When you click the left mouse button a second time, the column support will be placed.

Usage step

Usage step

Selection of aligned type from column support toolbar - default, edge aligned, corner aligned, centered aligned

Column support preview movement with mouse movement

Selecting the column to be placed by clicking the left mouse button

Changing column support dimensions

Change of dimensions by pressing the spacebar on the keyboard

Creating column support by clicking the left mouse button

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