Creating an Inclined Curtain Wall

Creating an Inclined Curtain Wall

It is possible to arrange the angle of the curtain wall with the horizontal by using the Bends Curtain Wall command. For this, after defining the curtain wall, an angle is given to the curtain wall with the Bends Curtain Wall command.

Location of Bends Curtain Wall Command

You can access it under the ribbon menu, Facade tab, Exterior Facade title.

Usage Steps

  • Define the curtain wall.

  • Click the Bends Curtain Wall icon.

  • Click on the curtain wall.

  • A dialog will open where we can enter the angle. The default angle value will appear 90 degrees in this dialog. Because the curtain wall we have defined is perpendicular to the story plane. Angle is the angle that the curtain wall makes with the story plane.

  • Give the angle 85 degrees for example and click the OK button.

  • After the dialogue is closed, the angle of the curtain wall will be 85 degrees from the story plane and 5 degrees from its own plane.

Usage step

Usage step

Curtain wall before the bends curtain wall command

Selecting the curtain wall to be inclined and entering the bend angle value (85)

Inclined curtain wall

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