Changing Dormer Roof Angles

With the Change Dormer Roof Angles command, the angles of the surfaces forming the dormer are changed.

Location of Change Dormer Roof Angles Command

You can access the Change dormer roof angles command from the dormer toolbar.

Usage Steps

  • Click the Change Dormer Roof Angles icon from the dormer toolbar .

  • Roof angle modification is valid for single, double and triple dormer objects.

  • There is no surface angle in round and spline types. Click one of these objects.

  • A dialog will open where you can change the angle of the surface according to the dormer type you selected.

  • Enter values ​​in degrees or percentages in the dialog.

  • Click the OK button.

Usage step

Usage step

Dormer before changing the roof angle

Selection of dormer to be changed roof angle

Changing surface angles

Dormer after changing roof angle

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