Create the Gutter and the Rainwater Pipe

Create the Gutter and the Rainwater Pipe

Create gutter and rainwater pipe in this section.

The previous steps have been followed in the project file called Create the Gutter and Rainwater Pipe. You can download the file and follow the steps given in this title on the project.

Create the gutter.

  • Click the roof gutter tool from the facade menu.

  • Select the Gutter 04 type from the sweep toolbar.

  • Move your mouse over the roof eave.

  • Clicking the left mouse button will create a roof gutter. Press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the command.

Build the rainwater pipes.

  • Go to the base story plan page.

  • Click the rainwater piper command from the home tab.

  • Click the settings icon in the rainwater pipe toolbar. The rainwater pipe settings dialog will open.

  • Enter the values ​​in the image below.

  • When you close the dialog by clicking the OK button, a preview of the rainwater pipe will be created.

  • Click on the C-1 axis intersection and the rainwater pipe will be formed. Press the Esc key on the keyboard to exit the command.

  • Select the pipe and click the rotate command.

  • Rotate so that the rainwater pipe is facing the exterior.

  • Rainwater pipe will be formed.

  • Place pipes on A-1 and C-4 axis intersections.

  • Complete gutter and rainwater pipes.

 Follow the steps of the video below.


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