Development length of the beam with the shearwall could not be achieved.

Development length of the beam with the shearwall could not be achieved.

The Complete Message:

Insufficient rebar development length of beam with objects (TBDY

7.4.3. Arrangement of Longitudinal Reinforcement

The following conditions are given in (b) .

In cases where the beams joining to the column do not continue on the other side of the column, the upper and lower reinforcement on the beams will be extended to the opposite surface of the core of the column wrapped with stirrups and bent 90 degrees from the inside of the stirrups. In this case, the total length of the horizontal part of the longitudinal reinforcement inside the column and the vertical part bent 90 degrees shall not be less than the straight clamping length stipulated in TS 500. The horizontal part of the 90 degree hook shall not be less than 0.4lb and the vertical part shall not be less than 12φ. In   walls and columns with a straight clamping length of more than 1b and 50φ, the clamping of the longitudinal reinforcement can be provided straight without making a 90 degree hook.

The error message is given for the curtain brief, when one of the conditions shown in the above drawing is not met.


  • The total length of a + b should be increased. For this, the size of the curtain can be increased in the respective direction.

  • Longitudinal reinforcement diameter can be reduced.

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Insufficient rebar development length of beam