For DTS = 1, 1a, 2, 2a ( Structures with Reinforced Concrete Shearwalls and/or Steel Braced Frames

According to , in buildings with reinforced concrete curtain walls and / or steel braced frames with DTS = 1, 1a, 2, 2a, the specified conditions are automatically checked and reported, if not met, the user is warned to use (4/5) R instead of R.


D = Resistance Surplus Coefficient
I = Building Priority Coefficient
M DEV = Tipping moment arising from earthquake loads at the base of the reinforced concrete wall or braced frame
M o = Total tipping moment at the base from earthquake loads for the whole building
R = Structural System Behavior Coefficient

If one of the two conditions defined in (a) and (b) below cannot be met in any direction, in buildings with reinforced concrete curtain walls and / or steel braced frames with DTS = 1, 1a, 2, 2a, the Load Bearing System Behavior Coefficient is (4) instead of R (4). / 5) R should be taken into account.

(a) In the structural system, the base overturning moment M DEV taken by a single wall or steel braced frame , and in that direction, the total base overturning moment M o resulting from the earthquake loads for the whole building is more than 1/3.

(b) Construction each side axles located screen / screen or steel braced frame / receives base overturning moment of the frames M DEV or M DEV 'the sum of all, that the direction in total floor tilting moment occurring in seismic loads for the entire building M o ' s 1 / Less than 6.

A sample report is shown in the image below for the control of TBDY (a) . In this report, it is seen that the warning "(4/5) R must be taken" is given in the report since the article (a) described above does not fulfill the condition.

Carrier System Behavior Coefficient R to consider (4/5) R coefficient instead of R , select "Apply (4/5) R" option from "TBDY Options" tab in "Analysis Settings" window. In the picture below, the place where "(4/5) R Apply" option is located is marked in red.

In the "Curtain Tipping Moment Control" report obtained as a result of the analysis made by checking the "(4/5) R Apply" option, the phrase "(4/5) R was selected" is shown. An example of this is shown in the picture below.