Structural Design

Structural Design

What is Structural Design with ideCAD?

Structural Design and Architectural Design are two different disciplines that are interrelated.

Structural Design deals with the study of the design of steel or concrete in a structure, i.e., The structural analytical model that helps keep the structure durable, sound, and stiff.

Whereas Architectural Design deals with designing spaces meant for a particular function. It helps to create an ambient environment that is pleasing to the eye. The Architect designs the building with ideCAD Architectural, keeping all the functional aspects in mind that are to be incorporated into the design. Then, they are executed by a Civil or Structural Engineer.

At first, the preliminary layout of the structure is made, which is a part of Architectural Design with ideCAD Architectural. Then, the structure layout is handed over to the structural engineer. This layout is useful in determining the type of structure to be used and the general size, shape, and arrangement of the various parts of the structure.

The approximate dimensions of the structures are established. These dimensions are used for the Structural Design with ideCAD Structural

The structural aspect ensures that the building or the structure is structurally safe, strong, durable, and economical.

The structures and structural members are designed to satisfy three basic design principles: The structures should be strong, stable, and stiff.

All sections of the structures should have strength at least equal to the structural effects of design loads and forces that occur during the construction and use. All the loads should consider which a building or a structure would be required to bear.

A structure may be required to withstand any loads out of the various loads or a combination of various loads. These loads include overhead and other cranes, equipment, etc., in Industrial buildings, occupancy etc. in buildings, vehicles on bridges, water in hydraulic structures, loose materials for bins and bunkers, and so on.

Once the required calculations for the structure are done, certain checks are performed to ensure the structure remains durable, sound, and stiff. Architectural Design and Structural Design are meaningless without each other. It is a combination of creativity and technicality.


With ideCAD, concrete, and steel structures are analyzed and designed with the Integrated approach. Concrete and steel design is made by applying International Design Codes conditions. Concrete design parameters and reinforcement and concrete parameters (spacers, minimum percentage, minimum stirrup spacing, shear cross reinforcement type, etc.) to be used to design concrete elements (column, beam, slab, shearwall, foundation, retaining wall, etc.) are determined. The Structural design results of concrete and steel elements are examined from their dialogues, and necessary interventions are made.


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