Setting the Swimming Pool Cantilever Slab Properties

With the Set Pool Cantilever Slab Properties command, the properties of the slab part of the pool sides at the top of the pool are edited.

Location of Set Pool Cantilever Slab Properties Command

After entering the pool command, you can access it from the Pool toolbar opened.

You can also access it in the architectural program under the ribbon menu Home tab, Entities title.

Pool Cantilever Slab Settings




It is the width value of the pool cantilever slab.


It is the thickness of the pool cantilever slab.


For the solid model, select the material (texture) of the side surfaces of the pool cantilever slab from the drop-down list.

Texture world length

Texture length is entered. For example; If 1 is entered, the width of the selected material texture is taken as 1 unit and covered on the selected object. Considering that the texture is in the form of a square, the object surfaces are covered with 1x1 textures arranged side by side.

Live load

It is the live load value to be taken into account in the pool cantilever slab.

Usage Steps

  • Click the Pool icon from the ribbon menu.

  • The pool toolbar will open. From the toolbar Set Pool Cantilever Slab Properties, click the icon.

  • Move the mouse pointer over one of the console tiles on the sides of the pool and click.

  • The Pool Cantilever Slab Settings dialog will open. Features of your existing pool cantilever slab are included in the dialog.

  • Set the parameters in this dialog to match the values ​​of your project.

  • When you close the dialog by clicking the OK button, your pool will be shaped according to the values ​​you entered.

  • You can arrange your other pool cantilever slabs by repeating the same steps.

Usage step

Usage step

Before arranging pool cantilever slab features

Choosing one of the cantilever slab to be edited

Adjusting cantilever slab settings

After editing the selected cantilever slab settings

After all pool cantilever slab settings have been adjusted

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