Saving a Profile to the Archive

With the Transform/To Polygon Profile (Railing), profiles are prepared to be used in the sections of balustrades, handrails, pillars or panels and save them to the archive.

Location of Transform/To Polygon Profile (Railing)

You can access the drawing by selecting the drawing and clicking the right button of the mouse.

Usage Steps

For example, to create a profile of 2x2 cm;

  • Turn on the Ortho mode of the ideCAD. (First of all, zoom extent factor so that you can easily see an area of ​​2cmx2cm. You can do this with the middle mouse button)

  • Click the Multiple Lines icon in the ribbon menu.

  • Click a point in the drawing area.

  • In the coordinate box, type 2 cm on the L line, press Enter and draw a 2 cm line segment in the horizontal direction to the right.

  • In the coordinate box, type 2 cm on the L line and press Enter and draw a 2 cm line segment in the vertical direction.

  • In the coordinate box, type 2 cm on the L line and press Enter and draw a 2 cm line segment to the left in the horizontal direction.

  • And finally click the first point.

  • There will be a 2x2 cm box. We will save this box as a profile.

  • Select the entire box and click the right mouse button with the mouse pointer over the box.

  • Click the Transform/To Polygon Profile(Railing) line from the menu that opens .

  • The Profile Settings dialog will open.

  • Type 2 cm x 2 cm in the profile name, click the OK button to close the profile settings dialog.

Usage step

Usage step

Creating the first point for the profile

Determining the length of the edge - Entering the value 2 by pressing the L key and pressing the enter key

Clicking the left mouse button to create the first edge and determine the second edge length - Press the L key to enter the value 2 and press the enter key

Creating the second edge by clicking the left mouse button and determining the length of the third edge - Entering the value 2 by pressing the L key and pressing the enter key

Clicking the left mouse button to create the third edge and click the first point for the last edge

The formation of a 2x2 cm box

Clicking the Transform/To Polygon Profile (Railing) line by selecting the box and clicking the right mouse button

Naming the profile settings and completing the registration by clicking the OK button

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