How Can I Make a Welded Connection?

How Can I Make a Welded Connection?

A welded connection can be created using the Steel Menu - Experimentals - Welded Connection command. 

Can I make welded connections in the program? If it is possible, where can I do it?

Defining a welded connection

Connection one element to another element by welding connection:

  1. If you want to connect an element to the other element like in the example picture, click the Steel Menu - Experimental - Welded Connection command.

  2. After entering the command, "1" will appear on the pointer. This means clicking on the main element. While 1 is on the pointer, click the column.

  3. After clicking the column, the right mouse button is pressed to switch to the secondary element, that is, the beam and "2" appears on the pointer. Click on the beam after seeing the "2" in the text.

  4. If the right mouse button is pressed after clicking the beam, the welded connection is defined.

  5. The connection properties can be changed by clicking on the welded connection.

Welding the sections to each other with the butt or fillet welds;


  2. If you want to connect an element to the other element like in the example picture, click the Steel Menu - Experimentals - Welded Connection command.

  3. After entering the command, "1" will appear on the pointer. This means clicking on the main element, but since there is no main element in this example, both beams are considered as the main element. 

  4. While 1 is on the pointer, the beams are clicked.

  5. If you press the right mouse button after clicking on the beams, the pointer "2" will appear. When this text appears, if the right button is pressed once more without selecting any element, the welded connection will be completed. 

  6. The connection properties can be changed by clicking on the welded connection.

  7. In these connections, all elements are notched.

Welding secondary elements to the main element:


  2. If you want to connect an element to the other element like in the example picture, click the Steel Menu - Experimentals - Welded Connection command.

  3. After entering the command, "1" will appear on the pointer. This means clicking on the main element, in this example the main element is the bottom chord of the truss. 

  4. While writing "1" in the pointer, click on the bottom chord of the truss. (This command can work on any steel element, the truss is given as an example.)

  5. If you press the right mouse button after clicking on the beams, the pointer "2" will appear. This shows that secondary elements need to be clicked. Here, secondary elements are the vertical and diagonals parts of the truss. While "2"is on the pointer, the vertical and diagonals are clicked.

  6. By pressing the right mouse button, the welded connection is completed. 

  7. The connection properties can be changed by clicking on the welded connection.

  8. In these connections, all elements are notched.

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