Creating the Second Stair Flight

Creating the Second Stair Flight

To add the second stair flight to the landing;

  • With the path command, draw the 2nd stair flight boundaries taking into account the landing outer boundaries.

  • Click on the points created for the second stair flight on the landing for the width of the stair flight.

  • Press L on the keyboard to enter the length of the stair flight . Enter 196 (cm) for the length value and press Enter.

  • Click the left mouse button to create the length of the stair flight.

  • Press the L key on the keyboard to enter the width of the stair flight. Enter 120 (cm) as the length value and press Enter.

  • Click the left mouse button to determine the width of the stair flight.

  • Click the start point to complete the stair flight border.

The stair flight border will be formed.

  • With the path command, draw the travel line starting from the point where the travel line of the landing ends.

  • Click the Add Stair Area icon in the ribbon menu .

  • The stairs created in the first stages are selected.

  • 1. Click the contour you have drawn as the stair flight and then the travel line you have drawn.

  • The stair areas dialog will open. Edit the geometric parameters regarding the stair flight in the dialog. You can enter 150 cm for the stair height and 8 for the number of steps. You can rearrange these settings after creating the stair.

  • Since this area will be the flight of the stair, the "Type" will remain selected as the stair.

  • When you click the OK button, a 2-flight U-type stair will be created.

You can make your railings that are not visible on your stairs visible with the "Hide Railing" command.

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