Column Design Settings Section

With the Column Design Settings, the design parameters used in the Concrete Column Design are determined. Concrete cover, rebar overlap length, maximum and minimum stirrup interval and percentage etc. parameters are determined from the column des’gn settings window. The option to calculate the required reinforcement in the columns with the fiber model is also available in this window.




Concrete cover

It is the distance from the center of gravity of the reinforcement inside the column to the outer face of the concrete.

Min. percentage

It is the ratio that determines the minimum value of the longitudinal rebar to be placed in the column. The multiplication of the gross area of ​​the column with the minimum percentage parameter determines the minimum rebar area. Program means that the rebar to be placed in the column cannot be less than this area.

Max. percentage

It is the ratio that determines the maximum value of the longitudinal rebar to be placed in the column. The multiplication of the gross area of ​​the column by the parameter maximum percentage determines the maximum rebar area. The program compares the rebar that should be placed in the column with this area. If the area of ​​rebar to be placed on the column is excessive, a warning of insufficient cross section is given for the column exceeding the percentage value.

Min. stirrup interval

In the program, the range of stirrups to be placed in the middle of the column is selected not less than the value specified in this parameter. The conditions given for the coiling-joining-middle zone ranges are also controlled automatically so that they are not less than the regulations.

Max. stirrup interval

In the program, the range of stirrups to be placed in the middle of the column is selected so that it is not more than the value specified in this parameter. The conditions given for the coiling-joining-middle zone ranges are also controlled automatically so that they are not less than the regulations.

Jacket percentage

If the "use as minimum" option is not checked, the program places the rebar as the pursmail value written in this line as jacket rebar on the column.

Use jacket percentage as minimum

If this option is not selected, the program places the rebar in the column as the pursmail value written in the "jacket percentage" line as jacket rebar. If the option is selected, the reinforced concrete calculation of the jacket is made and the rebar calculated in the jacket percentage is compared with the rebar resulting from the calculation. The amount of rebar is placed in the column as mantle rebar whichever is greater.

Column lower embracement region is 1.5lb

The column coiling zone is valid when it is made at the lower end of the column. If marked, the column wrap region is calculated as 1.5lb and the wrap region stirrups are drawn to this value. (Lb is TS500 overlap length distance.)

Use upper story element reinforcements as minimum on lower story

As a result of the analysis, if the strength of the columns in the upper story is more than the rebar of the lower story columns; It makes the rebar of the columns in the lower story equal with the columns in the upper story.

Apply high ductile transverse reinforcement design even for normal/limit ductile systems

If it is marked, the stirrup design of the columns of the normal ductile structure is made according to the highly ductile building materials.

Calculate required reinforcement using fiber model

If marked, the required longitudinal reinforcement area in reinforced concrete columns is calculated by defining appropriate concrete and reinforcement models and section fiber in the column cross section.

Generate separate connection bars to lower story if column rebars do not align

If it is marked, anchor rods to be connected to the lower story are created separately in cases where the column rebars are not aligned.

Vertical rebar overlap lenght

The column allows the determination of the vertical reinforcement development length.

Double stirrup type

Column stirrup type is determined. Mark the type of stirrup you want to use.

Longitudinal rebars bending

In the last story columns, the end shape of the column rebar is selected.

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