With the Steel Stair Macro Settings command, settings such as stair width, length, height, section selection are accessed.
Location of Steel Stair Macro Settings
It is available in the Steel Stair toolbar that appears on the screen after the steel stair macro command is run.
Steel Stair Settings
Specifications |
Length of the lower landing The lower landing length is entered. |
Upper landing length Upper landing height is entered |
Stair length Stair length is entered. |
Stair height Stair height is entered. |
Stair width The stair width is entered. |
First step If checked, it adds a step adjacent to the landing at the starting point of the stair. |
Last step If checked, it adds a step adjacent to the landing at the ending point of the stair. |
Step count The number of stair steps is determined. |
Elevation It is the distance of the stair from the slab on the placed story. |
Left side Section selection is made by opening the left side beam settings of the stairs. |
Right side Section selection is made by opening the stair right side beam settings. |
Step Section selection is made by opening the stair step beam settings. |
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