It can be used to define a reinforced concrete, steel, castellated beam or cold formed steel section in shapes defined using the Add New Section command.
Location of Add New Section Command
You can access it under Define on the Ribbon Analysis and Design tab .
You can access the Add New Section command from the menu displayed with the Right-Click of the Structure Tree 's Sections .
Add New Section Dialog
Settings Tab
Features |
Name Name of the section. |
Material It is the section where the material in the section to be determined will be determined. |
Single (Profile Type) The type to be defined is determined. When this option is selected and from the list, the cross-section type used to be a uniform cross-section (rectangular, rounds, I, C...) |
Combined (Profile Type) The type to be defined is determined. They are cross-sections created by combining in many different ways (double L, double U-section…) when preferred in this option and in the cross-section type used from the list. |
Method In the case of displaying in the combined type, the method of combining different segments is determined. |
Geometric Features This is the section where the selected section type is detailed. It shows according to each section type. |
Preview It is done concurrently, which should be considered as Restricted. |
Call from library It brings the properties of a section selected from the section library to the window. |
Values Tab
Features |
User Defined Values When checked, it allows to change the cross-section properties of the section. |
Moment of inertia about 2 axles It is the moment of inertia of the section about the 2-2 axis. |
Moment of inertia about 3 axis It is the moment of inertia of the section about the 3-3 axis. |
Torsional Constant It is the torsional moment of inertia of the section. |
Cross-sectional area Cross sectional area of the section |
Shear area in 2 directions It is the shear area in the 2-2 direction of the section. |
Shear area in 3 direction It is the shear area in the 3-3 direction of the section. |
Radius of gyration about 2 axis It is the radius of gyration about the 2-2 axis. |
Radius of gyration about 3 axis It is the radius of gyration about the 3-3 axis. |
Elastic section modulus about 2 axis ( + ) It is the Elastic section modulus about the 2-2 axis and in the positive direction. |
Elastic section modulus about 2 axis ( - ) It is the Elastic section modulus about the 2-2 axis and in the negative direction. |
Elastic section modulus about 3 axis ( + ) It is the Elastic section modulus about the 3-3 axis and in the positive direction. |
Elastic section modulus about 3 axis ( - ) It is the Elastic section modulus about the 3-3 axis and in the negative direction. |
Plastic section modulus about 2 axis It is the plastic section modulus about the 2-2 axis and in the negative direction. |
Plastic section modulus about 3 axis It is the plastic section modulus about the 3-3 axis and in the negative direction. |
The 2 and 3 axes are specified in the preview in the Settings tab.
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