Creating a Text

Text command is used to create text. In architectural and structural project designs, 2D texts are created with the text command.

Location of the Text Command

In the Architectural Program

You can access it under the ribbon menu Drawings tab, Text title.

In the Structural Program

You can access it under the ribbon menu Drawings tab, Text title.

Text Toolbar




Runs the text command.

Formatted text

It allows text to be written in a specific format, separated by tabs or columns.

Import text

Pastes any text written in any program in text format into the drawing area.


Opens the Text Settings dialog with text parameters.

Usage Steps

To write text in the drawing area:

  • Click the Text icon in the ribbon menu .

  • Click on any point of the drawing area with the left button.

  • Drag the mouse to the direction you want to write in and click the left button again. This process will determine the angle of the text.

  • Click the left button again. Drag the mouse up or down and decide the size of the text. (If you enter information for the L value in the coordinate box and press the Enter key, you will set the font height)

  • Click the left button.

  • Type text using the keyboard.

  • Press Enter once to move to the bottom line.

  • Press Enter twice to end the text.

Usage step

Usage step

Creating the first point to determine the angle of the text

Creating the second point to determine the angle of the text

Deciding the font size by moving the mouse after clicking the left mouse button

Writing the text

Switching to the bottom line by pressing the Enter key

Text creation

You can change the height or content of the text with Edit Text command.

Location of the Text Settings Dialog

Text Command Settings

After running the text command, you can access it by clicking the Settings icon in the Text utility toolbar.

Text Object Settings

Select the text you want to enter its settings, click the right button of the mouse and click the Properties line from the menu that opens.

Text Settings




The height of the text is entered.

Distance between lines

The distance between the two text lines is entered.


The color of the text is chosen. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

When the button is clicked, the "Font Settings" dialog appears. Font of information text can be set here.

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