Welded Flange Plate Connection Design per AISC 360-16
How does ideCAD design Welded Flange Plate Connections according to AISC 360-16?
Design limit states of welded flange plate connections are calculated automatically according to AISC 360-16.
Ag: Gross area
An: Net cross-section area
Ae: Effective net cross-sectional area
Avg: Gross area under shear stress
Anv: Net area under shear stress
Ant: Net area under tensile stress
Aw: Cross-section web area
bbf = width of beam flange, in. (mm)
bp = width of end-plate, in. (mm)
d = depth of connecting beam, in. (mm)
g = horizontal distance between bolts, in. (mm)
dh: Bolt hole diameter
Fy: Structural steel characteristic yield strength
Fu: Structural steel characteristic tensile strength
nsp: Number of slip planes
K: Effective length factor
L: Connector distance
tbf = thickness of beam flange, in. (mm)
tp = thickness of end-plate, in. (mm)
w = Size of weld leg, in. (mm)
Rn: Characteristic strength
Rnwl: Total nominal strength of longitudinally loaded fillet welds
Rnwt: Total nominal strength of transversely loaded fillet welds,
Connection Geometry
Flange Plate to Beam Flange Weld Size
The minimum size of fillet welds is checked according to AISC 360-16 Table J2.4
w ≥ wmin |
w | 11.315 mm |
| √ |
wmin | 6 mm | Table J2.4 | √ |
Shear Plate to Beam Web Weld Size
The minimum size of fillet welds is checked according to AISC 360-16 Table J2.4
w ≥ wmin |
w | 11.315 mm |
| √ |
wmin | 5 mm | Table J2.4 | √ |
Shear Plate to Column Flange Weld Size
The minimum size of fillet welds is checked according to AISC 360-16 Table J2.4
w ≥ wmin |
w | 11.315 mm |
| √ |
wmin | 5 mm | Table J2.4 | √ |
Continuity Plate to Column Flange Weld Size
The minimum size of fillet welds is checked according to AISC 360-16 Table J2.4
w ≥ wmin |
w | 11.315 mm |
| √ |
wmin | 6 mm | Table J2.4 | √ |
Continuity Plate to Column Web Weld Size
The minimum size of fillet welds is checked according to AISC 360-16 Table J2.4
w ≥ wmin |
w | 11.315 mm |
| √ |
wmin | 6 mm | Table J2.4 | √ |
Flange Plate to Beam Flange Weld Strength
The nominal and design strength of the weld is checked according to AISC 360-16.
Lwı | 760 mm | AISC 360-16 J2.4(c) |
Lwt | 210 mm |
Fe | 490 N/mm2 |
Rnwl |
Rnwt |
Rnw |
w | 11.315 mm |
Fu-plate | 360 N/mm2 |
Fu-flange | 360 N/mm2 |
tp | 16 mm |
tf | 17.2 mm |
RnBM |
Rn |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
505.682 kN | 1140.426 kN | 0.296 | √ |
Flange Plate Tension Yield
The limit state of tension plate yield is checked according to AISC 360-16.
Ag |
Fy | 275 N/mm2 |
Rn |
| AISC 360-16 (J4-1) |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
505.682 kN | 1108.8 kN | 0.456 | √ |
Flange Plate Tension Rupture
The limit state of the flange plate tension rupture is checked according to AISC 360-16.
An |
Ae |
Fu | 410 N/mm2 |
U | 1.00 |
Rn | AISC 360-16 (J4-2) | |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
505.682 kN | 1377.6 kN | 0.367 | √ |
Flange Plate Block Shear
The block shear limit state is checked according to AISC 360-16.
Ag |
Anv |
Ant |
Fy | 275 N/mm2 |
Fu | 410 N/mm2 |
Ubs | 1.0 |
| |
Rn | AISC 360-16 (J4-5) | |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
505.682 kN | 2538 kN | 0.199 | √ |
Flange Plate Compression Yield
The limit state of compression plate yield is checked according to AISC 360-16.
K | 0.65 |
L | 20 mm |
r | 4.619 mm |
KL / r | 2.81 |
Fy | 275 N/mm2 |
Ag |
Rn | AISC 360-16 (J4-6) | |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
505.682 kN | 1108.8 kN | 0.456 | √ |
Shear Plate to Column Flange Weld Strength
The nominal and design strength of the weld is checked according to AISC 360-16
w | 11.315 mm |
FE | 490 N/mm2 |
l | 260 mm |
e | 117.5 mm |
Rn |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
135.975 kN | 498.69 kN | 0.273 | √ |
Shear Plate to Beam Web Weld Strength
The nominal and design strength of the weld is checked according to AISC 360-16
Fe | 490 N/mm2 |
w | 11.315 mm |
Fu | 360 N/mm2 |
t | 11.1 mm |
Rnw |
RnBM | AISC Manual 14th 8-12 | |
Rn |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
579.254 kN/m | 1764 kN/m | 0.328 | √ |
Web Plate Shear Yield
The nominal and design yield strength of the web plate is checked according to AISC 360-16
Ag |
Fy | 275 N/mm2 |
Rn |
| AISC 360-16 J4-3 |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
135.975 kN | 429 kN | 0.317 | √ |
Web Plate Shear Rupture
The limit state of the web plate shear rupture is checked according to AISC 360-16.
Anv |
Fu | 410 N/mm2 |
Rn |
| AISC 360-16 J4-3 |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
135.975 kN | 372.69 kN | 0.365 | √ |
Web Plate Flexural Yield
The limit state of the web plate shear yield is checked according to AISC 360-16.
dp | 260 mm |
Fy | 275 N/mm2 |
tp | 10 mm |
a | 117.5 mm |
Rn |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
135.975 kN | 273.948 kN | 0.496 | √ |
Column Panel Zone Shear
The welded flange plate connection's panel zone shear limit state is checked according to AISC 360-16.
Pr | 1621.397 kN | AISC 360-16 J10-9 |
Py |
Fy | 275000 kN/m2 |
Ag | 28634.759 mm2 |
dc | 650 mm |
tw | 16 mm |
Rn |
ΦRn |
Required | Available | Ratio | Control |
56.746 kN | 1544.4 kN | 0.037 | √ |
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