Evaluation of Existing Buildings

Evaluation of Existing Buildings

Evaluation of existing buildings is done by linear performance analysis and non-linear performance analysis within the scope of TBDY Chapter 15 . Reinforcement of concrete elements and performance analysis of reinforced buildings (linear and non-linear) are made with ideCAD Structural. Reinforcement in concrete elements is made with column jacketing, reinforcement shearwall and fibrous polymer wrap (frp). After defining the reinforcement elements, linear performance analysis or nonlinear performance analysis can be done. Reports are generated automatically as a result of performance analysis.

15.1. SCOPE

15.1.1 - The calculation rules to be applied in evaluating the performance of all existing and to be strengthened buildings and building-type structures under the effect of earthquake, the principles to be taken as basis in the retrofitting decisions and the strengthening design principles of the buildings decided to be strengthened are defined in this Chapter.

15.1.2 - Capacity calculation of existing and strengthened masonry buildings will be made in accordance with the principles in Chapter 11 . However, information on existing masonry buildings will be compiled according to this Section.

15.1.3 - Capacity calculation of existing and strengthened steel buildings will be made within the framework of the principles defined in Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 and Chapter 9 for new buildings. However, information on existing steel buildings will be compiled according to this Section.

15.1.4 - Capacity calculation of existing pre-manufactured reinforced concrete buildings will be made within the framework of the principles defined for new buildings in Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 and Chapter 8 . However, the information of existing pre-manufactured reinforced concrete buildings will be compiled according to this section.

15.1.5 - The rules given in this Section do not apply to non-building-type structures. In addition, the evaluation and strengthening of registered buildings and monuments with historical and cultural value are beyond the scope of this Chapter.

15.1.6 - The earthquake safety of the damaged building after an earthquake causing damage to the building cannot be determined by the methods given in this Chapter.

15.1.7 - The principles given in this Chapter shall be applied to strengthen the damaged building after an earthquake causing damage to the building and then to determine the seismic performance of the strengthened building. The civil engineer responsible for the project will decide to what extent the strength and rigidity of the existing elements will be taken into account in the reinforcement of the damaged building.

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