Slab Stress Check is not Provided

Slab Stress Check is not Provided

Entire Message:

Max. compressive stress control was not achieved. TDY 7.11.3

Max. tensile stress control was not achieved. TDY 7.11.3

Max. shear stress control was not achieved. TDY 7.11.3

In the article TDY 7.11.3 , it is stated that the in-plane pressure, tensile and shear stresses resulting from the semi-rigid diaphragm solution of the slabs, taking into account the Excess of Strength Coefficient D, should provide sufficient strength.


  • In the absence of maximum in-plane compressive stress control, the slab thickness can be increased.

  • In the absence of maximum in-plane tensile and shear stress control;

    • Additional reinforcement can be added to the support area of ​​the relevant slab,

    • flooring reinforcement type can be selected as top flat+bottom flat ,

    • In the region where the tensile stress is high, a new reinforcement calculation axis can be defined and the amount of reinforcement in this region can be increased,

    • In the region where the tensile stress is high, a new slab can be defined with the help of the slab edge command and the reinforcement of this slab can be increased.

    • slab thickness can be increased,

    • the diameter of the floor reinforcements can be increased and the spacing can be reduced.

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