How is Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) defined?

How is Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) defined?

For linear and non-linear performance analysis options, Fiber Reinforced Polymer option has been added in columns, beams and walls within the scope of TBDY EK 15B.

You can strengthen by defining the parameters by activating the Use fibrous polymer reinforcement  option in the Performance Analysis  tab of  the Column Settings (or beam settings - shearwall settings)  window  opened by clicking any column-beam-wall element twice.


When the Use Fiber Reinforced Polymer  option is activated, the  shear force contribution defined in TBDY EK 15B  and the increase of axial compressive strength and element ductility are made appropriately. The  number of windings and the name of the FRP type can be seen in the Fiber Reinforcement Polymer Data report.

You can control FRP winding types, thickness, modulus of elasticity and elongation at break, or define new FRP types using the Fiber Reinforcement Polymer Library  command.

With the Use Fiber Reinforcement Polymer option, the material values ​​defined in TBDY 15B.2  and  15B.3  are used in the ŞDGT (current building-limited information level) and ŞDGT (existing building-comprehensive information level)  moment curvature analysis options of  an element defined as FRP. Within the performance analysis  , yield values ​​and shear strengths defined in accordance with TBDY Annex 15B  are used.

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