Column Reinforcements

Column Reinforcements

Column reinforcement design results and inadequacy conditions for columns are displayed in the Column Reinforcements dialog. In the column reinforcement dialog, the results of column transverse and longitudinal reinforcements, internal forces calculated as a result of the analysis, increased internal forces related to TBDY, capacity ratios, shear safety of column-beam connection, strong column control are given. Column reinforcements are changed and fixed in the Column Reinforcements dialog.

Location of Column Reinforcements Dialogue

After analysis, you can access it by clicking the Column Reinforcements command under the Concrete Design title of the ribbon menu Analysis and Design tab .

General Specifications of Column Reinforcements Dialogue

Summary Information

The summary information about the line where the cursor is located is given in the name of the dialog in the form of Layer, Pose.

For example, Story 4, S01, minimum alfai=1.000

Using the Shift key

In this tab, you can select more than one row with the Shift key, enter a value by double-clicking any cell whose value is open to change, and make that value apply to all selected rows.

Using the Ctrl key

Ctrl key, on the other hand, selects the lines in between one by one.

Reinforcement calculator

Calculates the amount of rebar, in area, for the selected diameter and span.

Show jackets

It displays the jackets in the column for strengthening projects.


Selects the object on the line with the cursor. When the concrete dialog is closed, you can take action for the selected element.

All Stories

It lists the slabs on the screen throughout the entire story.


The cursor moves to the previous line.


The cursor goes to the next line.



It is used to define certain conditions and filter only the elements that satisfy that condition.


The element rebuilds its concrete. The regulation calculations related to concrete and rebars are also made again. It may be more appropriate to repeat the structure analysis instead of concrete in important changes.


It saves the changes made and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without saving the changes made.

Columns Tab




It is the rebar fixing column. If marked, the rebar is fixed. When the column rebar is changed, DS is automatically marked and when concrete is made, the column rebar remains constant. If DS is not marked, when concrete is made, column rebar is determined again according to rebar selection conditions.


It is the name of the column in the plan. (S1, S101, S10 etc.) In case of negativity, the term related to negativity is added next to the name. Like S101 (M).


It is the name of the story where the column is located.

B, H

They are the dimensions of the column. You can change the dimensions by double clicking in the B and H cells. When the size is changed, column rebar calculation is made for that column according to the changed dimensions.


It is the value in diameter and number of rebar placed in the major direction of the column (in the y-axis direction).


It is the value in diameter and number of rebar placed in the minor direction of the column (in the x-axis direction).


Column stirrup is respectively stirrup diameter, middle, densification and junction area range.


It is the percentage ratio of the total amount of longitudinal rebar to the column area. (Perc. = 100 * TotalAs / ColumnArea)

Cap. Ratio

It shows the capacity ratio of concrete columns under the influence of axial force and biaxial bending.


It indicates that the columns' ends i/j do not comply with the condition of being stronger than the beams and are weak columns.


With this option, you can use the column shear force as the pitch shear force by accepting any column as if it is a shearwall while finding the alpha ratio. You may want to use this option especially for large polygon columns whose arms are like shearwalls.

Fiber Layout Tab



Preview and legend

The fiber layout preview and what the colors mean are shown.

Material model for DGT

Section cells and rebars are displayed according to the concrete and rebar material model criteria defined in TS500.

Material model for SDGT

The section cells and rebars are displayed according to the ŞGDT criteria for the concrete and rebar material model defined in TBDY.

Forces-Reinforcement Area Tab



Table of forces

Load:  The name of the respective load or load combinations.
i: The left end of the element in the horizontal element is the lower end of the element in the vertical element.
j: The right end of the element in the horizontal element is the upper end of the element in the vertical element.
N: The axial force of the element
V2, V3:  The shear forces of the element in the 2 and 3 directions.
T: The torsion moment of the element.
M2: It is the bending moment of the element in the 2 (minor) direction.
M3: It is the bending moment of the element in the 3 (major) direction.

Design results

After the analysis, the regulation conditions have been applied, therefore it shows the end forces that have undergone changes and going to the design. In addition, the values ​​used are shown in bold. End forces are values ​​calculated on the element local axes.

Raw results

After analysis, it shows the raw end forces that are not applied to the regulation conditions. End forces are effects on the element local axes.

Global results

After the analysis, these are the values ​​in global coordinates of the extreme forces that are not applied regulation conditions.

Show individual results

For 4 modal analysis cases, 4 different results are obtained from each earthquake loaded combination. If you want the program to display the values ​​obtained for each modal state one by one, you should check this option.

Show maximums

The biggest values ​​of 4 different results obtained from each load combination for 4 different modal cases are shown in the table.

Material properties

Structural material: The structural material of the column.
fck: Characteristic compressive strength of concrete
fcd: Design compressive strength of concrete
fctd: Design tensile strength of concrete
fyk: Characteristic yield strength of reinforcement
fyd: Design yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement

Bending design

Design combination: Load combination that produces the most unfavorable condition for each applicable factored load combination for column longitudinal reinforcement design.
Design location: The location that produces the most unfavorable condition for each applicable factored load combination.
Design M3 (Major): Moment value at the 3-axes (major axes) of the design combination used in the column longitudinal reinforcement design.
Design M2 (Minor): Moment value at the 2-axes (minor axes) of the design combination used in the column longitudinal reinforcement design.
Design F1 (Axial): Axial force at the column of the design combination used in the column longitudinal reinforcement design.
Calculated As: Area of calculated column longitudinal reinforcement
Existing As: Area of existing column longitudinal reinforcement
Lower end PMM design point: Lower end point considered in column PMM design

Shear force - major/minor

Mha (i + 1): Moment obtained at bottom end of (i+1) ’th story column according to TBDY Sections 3 and 4.
Mhü: Moment obtained at top end of (i) ’th story column according to TBDY Sections 3 and 4.
Mha: Moment obtained at bottom end of i1 ’th story column according to TBDY Sections 3 and 4.
Mhü (i-1): Moment obtained at top end of (i-1) ’th story column according to TBDY Sections 3 and 4.
Mp üst: Ultimate moment capacity calculated at the top of column clear height by considering fck, fyk and strain hardening of steel.
Mp alt: Ultimate moment capacity calculated at the bottom of column clear height by considering fck, fyk and strain hardening of steel.
Mü: Moment at the top of column clear height which is used for the calculation of column shear force
Ma: Moment at the bottom of column clear height which is used for the calculation of column shear force
Ve: Shear force taken into account for the calculation of transverse reinforcement of column
Vr: Shear strength of the column
VeMax: Maximum shear force that can be used in column design
Span asw/s (Required): Ratio of required transverse reinforcement areas of columns to reinforcement spacing.
Span asw/s (Existing): Ratio of existing transverse reinforcement areas of columns to reinforcement spacing.
Status: It shows whether the minimum transverse reinforcement condition is met or not.

Capacity Design Tab



Capacity chart

Combination: The corresponding combination is shown.
i: The left end of the element in the horizontal element is the lower end of the element in the vertical element.
j: The right end of the element in the horizontal element is the upper end of the element in the vertical element.
N: The axial force of the element
V2, V3:  The shear forces of the element in the 2 and 3 directions.
T: The torsion moment of the element.
M2: It is the bending moment of the element in the 2 (minor) direction.
M3: It is the bending moment of the element in the 3 (major) direction.
Capacity ratio: It shows the ratio of the effect of the element at the i and j ends of the respective loading / combination to its capacity at that loading. If the value is greater than 1, the element exceeds the maximum capacity.

Existing area of steel

The existing area of steel values ​​for end i, span and j end are shown.

Capacity Diagrams Tab



Bending about 2 axis

Bending about 3 axis


Section cells and rebars are displayed according to the concrete and rebar material model criteria defined in TS500.

SDGT - (new structure)

The section cells and rebars are displayed according to the ŞGDT (new structure) criteria for the concrete and rebar material model defined in TBDY.

SDGT - (existing str. - limited information)

The section cells and rebars are displayed according to the ŞGDT (existing structure - limited information) criteria for the concrete and rebar material model defined in TBDY.

SDGT - (existing str. - comprehensive info)

The section cells and rebars are displayed according to the ŞGDT (existing structure - comprehensive information) criteria for the concrete and rebar material model defined in TBDY.

Design case

The combination for the capacity diagrams to be examined can be selected from the list.

Moment - Curvature Tab



Schematic drawing

Moment - curvature diagram

Use CP curvature = ultimate curvature

When this option is selected, the ultimate strain of the concrete and reinforcement material is used to calculate the plastic rotation limit values for performance levels.

Caltrans idealized model

If marked, the moment-curvature plot is idealized. It is a moment curvature relationship obtained by drawing a horizontal line that intersects with an inclined line passing over the moment of yield and will equalize the areas between the moment curvature graph.

Stop when a fiber reaches ultimate stress

If checked, the graphic ends when the graphic fiber reaches its highest stress.


Section cells and rebars are displayed according to the concrete and rebar material model criteria defined in TS500.


The section cells and rebars are displayed according to the SGDT criteria for the concrete and rebar material model defined in TBDY.

Point count

It is used to determine how many points the moment curvature graph consists of.


It shows the neutral axis angle from which the moment curvature relationship is obtained. It is indicated with a red arrow in the image above.

Axial force

It shows under which axial force the moment curvature relationship is drawn.

Compression limit

The determined material model is the largest axial pressure force that the section can take in the moment-normal force interaction.

Tension limit

The determined material model is the largest axial tensile force that the section can take in the moment-normal force interaction.

View stress/strain contours

It shows the stress and strain state in section in color format at each step of the moment curvature relationship.

Generate report

Creates a detailed report of moment-curvature.

Strong Column Control Tab



Control table

Major (+): Positive major moment direction of column to be taken into account according to the earthquake direction.
Major (-): Negative major moment direction of column to be taken into account according to the earthquake direction.
Minor (+): Psitive major moment direction of column to be taken into account according to the earthquake direction.
Minor (-): Negative minor moment direction of column to be taken into account according to the earthquake direction.
Mra, Mrü: Moment at the bottom and top of column clear height which is used for the calculation of column shear force, respectively.
Mri, Mrj: Positive or negative ultimate moment resistance calculated at column or wall face on left end i and j of a beam by considering fcd and fyd, respectively.
Mr(c): Sum of nominal flexural strengths of columns (Mra, Mrü) framing into the joint, evaluated faces of joint.
1.2Mr(b): 1.2 times the sum of nominal flexural strengths of beams (Mri, Mrj) framing into the joint, evaluated faces of joint.
Note: information about the case where some columns cannot satisfy the requirement of having columns stronger than beams

In case of Nd≤ 0.10 Ac fck in both of the columns joining the node point, or at the nodal points of the top floor of single-storey buildings and multi-storey buildings, or if the curtain where the beams are stuck working like a column in a weak direction, the above condition is not compulsory.

The bottom line is; Displays whether Nd is greater than 0.1AcFck.

Nd: It is the axial force value that makes these moments the smallest in accordance with the direction of the earthquake in the calculation of column carrying power moments.
Ac: It is the gross cross-sectional area value of the column.
fck: It is the characteristic compressive strength value of concrete.
Alphai (E1), Alphai (E2), Alphai (E3), Alphai (E4): Alphai values ​​for 4 earthquake loads, respectively.

Buckling Tab

Column buckling calculations are made according to the moment augmentation method announced in February 2000 TS500. This tab provides detailed information about the account.



Lateral displacement data

Stability: 1.5 di [total (Ndi / li) / vfi] <= 0.05
di: is the relative storey displacement value of the i'th storey.
Tot. (Ndi / li): It is the sum of the values ​​obtained by dividing the design axial force of each column by the length of the column measured from axis to axis.
Vfi: total shear force value at i times.

If the above condition is fulfilled, it is assumed that there is sufficient stiffness at that story and lateral displacement is avoided. Otherwise, it is assumed that the lateral translation has not been prevented.

Lateral displacement prevented in x/y direction

It is used to determine whether columns and stories in structures designated as being nonsway or sway.

Buckling analysis results

I/L up (column): Effective length ratio for columns connecting to the element top node.
I/L up (beam): Effective length ratio for beams connecting to the element top node.
Alpha b: Column end restraint coefficients
I/L down (column): Effective length ratio for columns connecting to the element bottom node.
I/L down (beam): Effective length ratio for beams connecting to the element bottom node.
Alpha a: Column end restraint coefficients
k: Column effective length coefficien
lk: Column effective (buckling) length
Rm: Creep coefficient
EcIc: Flexural rigidity of the gross column section
EI: Flexural rigidity
Nk: Column critical buckling load
Nd: Axial design load
M1, M2: Column end moments (multiplied by load factors in the analysis)
Cm: Moment coefficient in case of buckling
Element Beta: Moment magnification factor for the column
Selected Beta: Selected moment magnification factor for the column
Total Nd: It is the total axial load acting on all columns in the floor. The load combination that makes the column under study the most unfavorable is taken carefully.
Total Nk X: Sum of the critical buckling loads of all columns on the story for the X direction.
Total Nk Y: Sum of the critical buckling loads of all columns on the story for the Y direction.
Story Beta X: Moment magnification factor for all columns of a story in X direction.
Story Beta Y: Moment magnification factor for all columns of a storyin the Y direction.

Join Shear Safety Tab




It is the name of the column under study that appears in the plan.


The earthquake loads applied with 5% eccentric in each direction are displayed as a line to indicate two different directions as horizontal x and vertical y. EX1, EX2; If EY1, EY2 are loaded with + and - 5% eccentric in the x-axis direction; Indicates earthquake loads with + and - 5% eccentric in the Y-axis direction. Column-beam shear safety calculations are made in 2 directions for 4 earthquake loading and details are listed.


A list of the beams attached to the column in the respective direction is given. For example, the beams seen on EX1, EX2 lines are the beams connected to the column in the x direction. Respectively, the 1st beam is on the left of the column and the 2nd beam is on the right of the column. Similarly, the beams that appear in the EY1 or EY2 lines are the beams connected to the column in the y direction, respectively, the beam in the 1st line is the beam connected from the bottom of the column, and the beam in the 2nd line is connected from the top of the column.

As1, As2

They are the values ​​in cm2 of the reinforcements at the left or the ends of the beam, according to the direction of view, below or above the section.


It is the smaller of the column shear forces calculated above and below the joint being controlled, separately for each direction and loading.


Including fyk steel yield strength; It is calculated from the formula V e = 1.25f yk (As 1 + As 2 ) - V arm .


Joining of beams to column from four sides is defined as junction, confined junction if the width of each beam is not less than 3/4 of column width, and in other cases junction as unconfined joint. Whether the junction is enclosed or not does not indicate the insecurity of the junction, it determines by which formula the maximum shear force value Vmax will be found.


In the direction of control, it is twice the smaller of the distance from the vertical middle axis of the beam stuck in the joint area to the column edges. (See: TBDY Figure 7.10)


It is the size of the column parallel to the direction of control.


fcd, including concrete characteristic calculation strength;
In confined joints -> V max = 1.7 b j h √f ck In  unconfined
joints -> V max = 1.0 b j h √f ck
Ve <V max : Ve <= V max , column beam junction shear safety is provided. If not, it is not provided. If the join is unsafe, a "cross (x)" will appear, if it is secure, a "check mark" will appear on the corresponding line.

Reinforcement Bars Tab



3D image

Show columns

If the option is selected, column rebars are shown on the screen.

Show beams

If the option is selected, beam rebars are shown on the screen.

Show shearwalls

If the option is selected, shearwall rebar is shown on the screen.

Show longitudinal bars

Longitudinal bars of the elements with option marked are shown on the screen.

Show transverse bars

The transverse reinforcements of the elements with options are displayed on the screen.

Show individual colors

If the option is selected, bars with different diameters are shown in different colors. Which color represents which diameter is on the right of the screen. If the option is off, all of the rebars are shown in red.

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