Setting a Local CS

Setting a Local CS

With the local point system, you can define the origin to a point you want, and the abscissa and ordinates at a wanted angle. Set Local CS and Activate Local CS commands are used for definition .

Location of the Set Local CS Command

You can access it from the Snap title of the Drawings tab in the ribbon menu.

Location of the Activate Local CS Command

You can access it from the Snap title of the Drawings tab in the ribbon menu.

Usage Steps

  • Click the Set Local CS icon in the ribbon menu .

  • The program first asks you to define the abscissa of the local coordinate system. You can define the apse by clicking two points. If you want to define a certain angle, after clicking the first point, enter the angle value in the coordinate box and lock it by pressing the enter key on the keyboard. When you click somewhere in the drawing area with the left mouse button, the abscissa is formed at an angle. Ordinate will be formed perpendicular to the apse.

  • When you end the process, the coordinate system automatically becomes active.

  • If you click the Activate Local CS icon in the ribbon menu , the local coordinate is canceled and the global coordinates are returned again.

  • When you click the Activate Local CS icon again at any stage, the last defined Local CS becomes active.

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