Account and Profile

  • Open the ideCAD OneClick App.

  • Enter your email, password and code.

  • Click the sign-in button.

  • ideYAPI OneClick will be open.

  • Click the profile image at the left bottom of the ideYAPI OneClick.

  • Click the Profile line.

  • ideCAD account is opened.

  • From Personal Settings tab, you can change your informations.

  • From Password and Email section, you can change email with the change email button.

  • From Password and Email section, you can set a new account’s password with the reset password button.

  • From My Organization tab, you can change your organization’s information.

This tab will appear in the corporate account or when organization information is entered.

  • From the My Licenses tab, you can see your licenses.

  • From Subscribe ideCAD tab, you can subscribe annually ideCAD Architectural, ideCAD Structural and ideCAD One AEC.

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