Part 43. Use the Wizard for Analysis Settings
Part 43. Use the Wizard for Analysis Settings
In this tutorial, use the wizard for analysis settings.
This video contains the following:
1. Open the Analysis Settings dialog.
2. Select the 2018 TDY Seismic Code.
3. Select the Earthquake Ground Motion Level-2.
4. Select ZB as the site class.
5. Select the point from the map.
6. Select the offline option.
7. Select the building risk category as BRC=3.
8. Set the Story settings.
9. Select Reinforced Concrete as the structural system.
10. Select the Beam-and-slab structures and waffle slab as the slab type.
11. Select the Semi-rigid diaphragm as the diaphragm modeling type.
12. Select the ductility of structure to High.
13. Select the structural type A11 for X direction.
14. Select the structural type A11 for Y direction.