Part 54. Modelling Steel Connections - 2

Part 54. Modelling Steel Connections - 2

In this tutorial, model the steel connections.

This video contain the following:

1. Turn off the draw in fast mode.

2. Use the Column-Foundation Connection (Stiffened Baseplate) command.

3. Remove the stiffeners plates in the Stiffened Baseplate Connection dialog.

4. Change the plate thickness and dimensions and Uncheck the grout and cast plate options.

5. Change the anchor counts and intervals and change the bolt size and bolt grade.

6. Change the weld size and add connection to favorites.

7. Activate the Draw in Fast Mode.

8. Create Column-Foundation Connections.

9. Turn off the draw in fast mode.

10. Use the Welded Connection command.

11. Change the weld size and mark the site weld options in the Welded Connection dialog.

12. Add connection to favorites.

13. Activate the Draw in Fast Mode.

14. Use the Analysis+Design (F9) command.

15. Click on the structural visualization options line from the right click menu.

16. Select Connection Failures from the Design Output list.


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