Annotations Objects Tab

Many dimension commands such as outer, inner, free and level dimension are designed for dimensioning the project. Properties of the dimensions, such as display style, size, and color, can be changed in the dimension settings dialogs.

Free Dimension Settings



Text Section

The font height of the dimensions is entered.

The distance of the dimension text from the objects is entered.

The distance of the dimension text to the dimension line is entered.

The position of the dimension text relative to the dimension line is selected.

When the button is clicked, the "Font Settings" dialog appears. Font of information text can be set here.

Distances Section

Line displacement

The distance from the dimension lines to each other is determined.

The size of the cross separators is entered in the dimension lines.

Upper marker size of the dimension line is entered.

The bottom marker size of the dimension line is entered.

How long the dimension line will continue after the left and right end reference points is entered.

The distance of the dimension line from the curved objects taken as reference by the bottom separator is entered.

Dimension style

Display type of dimension lines is selected.

Colors Section

Sets the color of the dimension text. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the dimension lines. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the measure separators. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Value scale

The actual length values ​​written on the dimension line are multiplied with the value written here and the value found at the result of multiplication is used as the measurement value. For example, the dimension line values ​​are 120, 200, 350. If 2 is written to the scale value, the lengths of 120, 200, 250 will be written as 240, 400, 700 in the dimensioning line.

Marker type

One of the two markers types that can be used in dimension is selected.

Dimension Lines Section


It gives the total length of all lines.

Outer Dimension Settings



Text section

The font height of the dimension is entered.

The distance of the dimension text from the objects is entered.

The distance of the dimension text to the dimension line is entered.

The position of the dimension text relative to the dimension line is selected.

When the button is clicked, the "Font Settings" dialog appears. Font of information text can be set here.

Distances section

Line displacement

The distance from the dimension lines to each other is determined.

The size of the cross separators is entered in the dimension lines.

Upper bracket size of the dimension line is entered.

The bottom marker size of the dimension line is entered.

How long the dimension line will continue after the left and right end reference points is entered.

The distance of the dimension line from the curved objects taken as reference by the bottom separator is entered.

Dimension style

Display type of dimension lines is selected.

Colors Section

Sets the color of the dimension text. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the dimension lines. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the dimension marker. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Value scale

The actual length values ​​written on the dimensioning line are multiplied with the value written here and the value found at the result of multiplication is used as the measurement value. For example, the dimension line values ​​are 120, 200, 350. If 2 is written to the scale value, the lengths of 120, 200, 250 will be written as 240, 400, 700 in the dimensioning line.


If the "Connected to objectt" option is selected, the dimensioning line is drawn from the selected objects as far as the entered offset distance value. If the box is not checked, dimensioning is drawn on the line determined by clicking two points with the mouse in the drawing area.

Marker type

One of the two marker types that can be used in dimensioning is selected.

Dimension lines section


It gives the total length of all lines.


It gives the dimensions of the axes corresponding to the dimensioning line.


It shows the lengths of each wall/beam/shearwall part in the selected line.


Shows the lengths of the columns selected on the outer dimensioning line

Doors / Windows

Shows the distances between the middle points of the doors / windows placed on the walls on the selected line.

Extended properties section

Use columns on axis dimension

In external dimensioning, the axes are dimensioned and also the columns are dimensioned.

Use inner intersections

In the outer dimension, the wall-wall on the wall / beam / shearwall is measured, shearwall-shearwall or shearwall-beam on the shearwall, beam-beam or shearwall-shearwall intersections on the beam.

Write door/window height

On the dimensioning line, the door / window height value is also written on the door / window width measurement value.

Inner Dimension Settings



Text Section

The font height of the dimensions is entered.

The distance of the dimension text from the objects is entered.

The distance of the dimension text to the dimension line is entered.

The position of the dimension text relative to the dimension line is selected.

When the button is clicked, the "Font Settings" dialog appears. Font of information text can be set here.

Distances Section

Line displacement

The distance from the dimension lines to each other is determined.

The size of the cross separators is entered in the dimension lines.

Upper marker size of the dimension line is entered.

The bottom marker size of the dimension line is entered.

How long the dimension line will continue after the left and right end reference points is entered.

The distance of the dimension line from the curved objects taken as reference by the bottom separator is entered.

Colors Section

Sets the color of the dimension text. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the dimension lines. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the markers. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Value scale

The actual length values ​​written on the dimension line are multiplied with the value written here and the value found at the result of multiplication is used as the measurement value. For example, the dimension line values ​​are 120, 200, 350. If 2 is written to the scale value, the lengths of 120, 200, 250 will be written as 240, 400, 700 in the dimensioning line.

Marker type

One of the two marker types that can be used in dimensioning is selected.

Dimension lines - Total

It gives the total length of all lines.

Extended properties section

Write door/window height

On the dimension line, the door / window height value is also written on the door / window width measurement value.

Use plaster

It shows the wall by taking the width from wall plaster to wall plaster in the inner dimension line. If not marked, the wall will measure the width of the wall.

Label Settings



Drawing color

 Sets the color of the label lines. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Text color

Sets the color of label posts. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Text height

Label height is entered.

Text angle

Label text angle is entered.

When the button is clicked, the "Font Settings" dialog appears. Font of information text can be set here.

Label tip

One of the 4 display types given for the label line end is selected.


Label line end dimensions are determined by entering values ​​in the X and Y boxes.

Level Dimension Settings



Label Section

The size of the elevation icon is entered.

The angle of the elevation symbol is entered. The icon will rotate according to the entered value.

Colors Section

Sets the color of the dimension text. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the elevation icon. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

One of the 5 display types given for elevation dimension is selected.

Text Section

By entering the values ​​entered in Text dx, and Text dy boxes, the position of the text is adjusted according to the label.

The height of the elevation lettering is adjusted.

When the button is clicked, the "Font Settings" dialog appears. Font of information text can be set here.

One of the 4 display types given for elevation text is selected.

Draw architecturalslab level on zones

Slab height is shown as elevation height.

Draw structural slab level on zones

When the elevation is placed on the floor, the elevation value is shown by adding the height of the floor and the floor elevation.

Global elevation

The elevation dimension value is given according to the building floor. If unchecked, the value is given according to the floor base.

Elevation Dimension Settings



Text location

The position of the elevation text relative to the icon is selected.


The direction of the elevation arrow is selected.


The size of the elevation arrow is selected.


Display type of elevation arrow is selected.

Text section

Text dx/font dy

By entering the values ​​entered in the Text dx, Text dx and Text dy boxes, the location of the text is adjusted according to the elevation symbol.

Text height

The height of the elevation text is entered.

When the button is clicked, the "Font Settings" dialog appears. Font of information text can be set here.

One of the 2 display types given for elevation text is selected.

Dimensions Section

The height of the elevation arrow is entered.

Line length on the left side of the elevation icon is entered.

The length of the line on the right side of the elevation icon is entered.

Colors section

Adjusts the color of elevation text. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Adjusts the color of the elevation lines. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the elevation arrow. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Angle Dimension Settings



Text Section

The font height of the dimensions is entered.

The position of the dimension text relative to the dimension line is selected.

When the button is clicked, the "Font Settings" dialog appears. Font of information text can be set here.

Arrow head scale factor

The factor determining the size of the dimension arrow is given.

Arrow head

 One of the 12 display types given for the angle dimension arrow is selected.

Colors Section

Sets the color of the dimension text. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the dimension lines. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the dimension arrows. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Text direction

The position of the dimension text is set.

Radial Dimension Settings



Text Section

The font height of the dimension is entered.

The distance of the dimension text to the dimension line is entered.

The position of the dimension text relative to the dimension line is selected.

When the button is clicked, the "Font Settings" dialog appears. Font of information text can be set here.


Determines the naming to be used in diameter dimensioning.


It is determined whether the diameter will be measured according to the radius or according to the diameter.

Arrow head

One of the 12 display types given for the radius dimension arrow head is selected.

Arrow head scale factor

The factor determining the size of the dimension arrow is given.

Colors Section

Sets the color of the dimension text. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the dimension lines. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

Sets the color of the dimension arrows. When the color box is clicked, the appropriate color is selected from the window that opens.

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