BCP SP 2007

BCP SP 2007

Analysis settings that vary depending on the BCP SP 2007 are explained in detail.

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BCP SP 2007 Options Tab



Structural system type per BCP SP-2007

The type of structural system for X and Y direction is selected in accordance with the design of the building.

Response modification coefficient per BCP SP-2007

It is the response modification coefficient value. This row is automatically refreshed when the structural system type is chosen.

Overstrength factor per BCP SP-2007

It is the strength excess coefficient value. This row is automatically refreshed when the structural system type is chosen.

Redundancy factor per BCP SP-2007

It is the redundancy factor value. This row is automatically refreshed when the structural system type is chosen.

ELF Ct parameter per BCP SP-2007

It is the ELF Ct parameter. This row is automatically refreshed when the structural system type is chosen.

Accidental eccentricity ratio per BCP SP-2007

The eccentricity ratio to be used during the analysis is given as a percentage.

Use custom vertical seismic load factor per BCP SP-2007

If checked, the custom vertical seismic load factor which entered in "factor to use (instead of 0.2 SDS)" line is used.

Structural system per BCP SP-2007

If the building block consists of only concrete elements, Concrete; if it consists of only steel elements, Steel; Steel + Concrete option is selected if it consists of concrete and steel elements.

Building Risk Category per BCP SP-2007

Building risk category value is selected from the list according to the purpose of use of the building.

Story drift check per BCP SP-2007

Allowable story drift value is entered.

Response Spectrum Tab



Spectrum curve per BCP SP-2007


The spectrum curve resulting from the settings is shown.

Function name

The name of the spectrum function.

Spectrum multiplier

Factor of spectrum function.

Soil profile type

Soil profile type is selected for the response spectrum.

Seismic zone factor

Seismic zone factor value is entered for the response spectrum.

Seismic source type

Seismic source type is selected for the response spectrum.

Distance to source [km]

Distance to source value is entered for the response spectrum.

User defined values

If this option is selected, parameters such as Ca, Cv, Na and Nv become active.


Seismic coefficient value is entered for the response spectrum.


Near source factor use in the detemination of Ca for the response spectrum.


Near source factor use in the detemination of Cv for the response spectrum.

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