Start Page
The start page lists the last projects worked on along with their previews. A new project and existing projects are opened. You can switch to the knowledge base from the help center. You can check whether the program is up to date from the Update section.
After the project is opened, the starting page can be opened again if desired.
ideCAD icon/ideCAD Home line in the ribbon menu are clicked.
After the selection is made, the start page will open.
Specifications |
New project Click the New Project icon to open a new project . The new project dialog opens. |
Open project Used to open an existing project. After clicking Open project, it opens in the Load Project dialog. If necessary, the project to be opened by changing the folder is found from the source. The project is opened by double clicking if desired. If desired, the project to be opened can be clicked and if the front image row is active, the image of the project is displayed in the dialog. The selected project can be opened by clicking the Open button. |
Help center Opens the help page. |
Model the design Opens the model the design section on the help page. |
Update It checks for u |