Axial Capacity Insufficient in Shearwall

Axial Capacity Insufficient in Shearwall

Axial capacity insufficient message is given for columns, shearwalls and shearwall groups by giving the name of solid and element.

P1 Basement Floor Axial Capacity Insufficient

TBDY 2018 – The cross-sectional area of ​​the shearwall after the voids are removed, Ndm is calculated under the joint effect of G and Q vertical loads and E earthquake effect G + Q + E, taking into account the live load reduction coefficients defined for live loads in TS 498. It will satisfy the condition Ac ≥ Ndm /(0.35 fck ), being the largest of the axial compressive forces.

Ac ≥ Ndm /(0.35 fck )

If the condition is not met, the wall area (Ac) or concrete class should be enlarged.


  • The cross-sectional area of ​​the element, whose name and solid is given, should be increased by increasing the dimensions.

  • Increasing the concrete class contributes to the fulfillment of the condition.


Ac = Gross cross-sectional area of ​​the shearwall

Ndm = N dm The largest of the axial compressive forces calculated under G + Q + E , the joint effect of G and Q vertical loads and E earthquake effect , taking into account the live load reduction coefficients defined for live loads in TS 498.

fck = Characteristic cylinder compressive strength of concrete

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