Effective Section Stiffness Definition for Outside of the Plastic Hinge Region (

Effective Section Stiffness Definition for Outside of the Plastic Hinge Region (

  • Effective section stiffnesses are automatically taken into account in accordance with the elements.

  • For buildings to be built, the effective section stiffness of concrete structural system elements is taken into account according to TBDY or TBDY 4.5.8 , under the control of the user.


d b = Diameter of longitudinal reinforcement (average in tensile) [m]
(EI) e = Effective section stiffness of column, beam, tie beam or curtain modeled according to the agglomerated plastic behavior
f y = Average (expected) yield strength of reinforcing steel [MPa]
f ce = Average (expected) compressive strength of concrete [MPa]
h = Section height [m]
L s = Shear opening [m]
M y = Effective yield moment [kNm]
ฯ• y = Curvature of yield [m -1 ]
ฮธ y = Flow Status to the axis of rotation likelihood disposition [rad]
ฮท = in the calculation of the first rotation Pour beams and columns, curtains received coefficient 0.5

In reinforced concrete elements, the bending stiffness varies depending on the level of the moment acting on the section. With the cracking of the section, the bending rigidity decreases. With the increase in bending moment, the bending stiffness decreases to the fractured section bending stiffness. There is a significant difference between cracked and uncracked section stiffness.

The effective cross-section stiffness of the elements modeled linearly along the length remaining between reinforced concrete plastic joints according to TBDY Article shall be determined according to Section 5.4.5 of TBDY . In TBDY Section 5.4.5 , effective section stiffnesses are found in Equation (5.2) .

Equivalent. (5.2) expresses the effective section stiffness for elements modeled according to the lumped plastic behavior . Here, M y is the average of the effective yield moments in the rod element. In a component whose moment-curvature relationship is calculated, the moment of yield, M y means the moment at the point where the tensile reinforcement flows, and is the moment value shown at point (B) in the picture below. The reinforced concrete element section is calculated by M y moment curvature relation according to the reinforcement placement and material model . ( Concentrated Plasticity Model )Concentrated Plasticity Model

Denk. (5.2) 'de belirtilen My รงubuk elemanฤฑndaki etkin akma momentlerinin ortalamasฤฑdฤฑr. Bu durumda kesitin donatฤฑ yerleลŸimine gรถre ( + ) ve ( - ) yรถnรผnde farklฤฑ deฤŸerler hesaplanฤฑr. ร–rneฤŸin bir kesitin kuvvetli ekseninde (3 ekseni) etkin kesit rijitliฤŸi hesaplanฤฑrken moment eฤŸrilik baฤŸฤฑntฤฑsฤฑ +3 ekseni etrafฤฑnda oluลŸturulur ve My(+3) deฤŸeri bulunur. Benzer ลŸekilde moment eฤŸrilik baฤŸฤฑntฤฑsฤฑ -3 ekseni etrafฤฑnda oluลŸturulur ve My(-3) deฤŸeri bulunur. ฤฐtme analizinde kesitin 3 eksenindeki etkin kesit rijitliฤŸini (eฤŸilme rijitliฤŸi) hesaplamak iรงin kullanฤฑlan etkin akma momentlerinin ortalamasฤฑ olan My(3) deฤŸeri, My(+3) ve My(-3) deฤŸerlerinin ortalamasฤฑ olarak gรถzรถnรผne alฤฑnฤฑr.
My(3) = [ My(+3) + My(-3) ]/2

Benzer iลŸlemler 2 ekseni etrafฤฑndaki eฤŸilme rijitliฤŸi iรงin ayrฤฑ hesaplanฤฑr.

ฮธy etkin akma dรถnmelerinin ortalamasฤฑnฤฑ ifade etmektedir ve tek bir yรถn iรงin Denk.(5.3) ile hesaplanฤฑr. Etkin akma dรถnmelerinin ortalamasฤฑ ฮธy , ilgili eksen etrafฤฑnda ( + ) ve ( - ) yรถnde farklฤฑ deฤŸerler hesaplanฤฑr ve ortalamasฤฑ alฤฑnฤฑr.

Burada ฯ•y plastik mafsal kesitinde ilgili yรถndeki etkin akma eฤŸriliฤŸini gรถstermektedir. Moment-eฤŸrilik baฤŸฤฑntฤฑsฤฑ hesaplanan bir plastik mafsalda etkin akma eฤŸriliฤŸi, รงekme donatฤฑsฤฑnฤฑn aktฤฑฤŸฤฑ noktadaki eฤŸrilik anlamฤฑna gelmektedir. Yukarฤฑdaki resimde ( B ) ile gรถsterilen noktadaki eฤŸrilik deฤŸeridir. (Concentrated Plasticity Model )
Ls kesme aรงฤฑklฤฑฤŸฤฑ olarak isimlendirilmektedir. Kolon ve kiriลŸlerde aรงฤฑklฤฑฤŸฤฑn yarฤฑsฤฑ olarak dikkate alฤฑnmaktadฤฑr.
h kesit yรผksekliฤŸi deฤŸeridir ve eฤŸilme momenti doฤŸrultusundaki (eฤŸilme moment vektรถrรผne dik doฤŸrultuda) yรผkseklik dikkate alฤฑnฤฑr.
db, donatฤฑ รงeliklerinin ortalama รงapฤฑ, fce and f to the concrete of the average (expected) shows the average yield strength of the reinforcement and compressive strength. Detailed explanation for f ce and f to f value has been made under the heading General Modeling.

As described above, the effective cross-section stiffness is calculated automatically in the elements modeled according to the piled plastic behavior . Equation (5.2) and Equation (5.3) are calculated separately for each element.

In the concrete elements defined in the new buildings, the effective section stiffness of the elements modeled linearly along the length between the plastic hinges can also be determined according to Table 4.2 specified in TBDY Section 4.5.8 . This option is at the discretion of the user.

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