Selection and Scaling of Earthquake Records

Selection and Scaling of Earthquake Records


T p = Dominant natural vibration period of the building


According to this regulation, the necessary rules to be applied for the selection of the earthquake records to be used for defining the earthquake ground motions required in one or two-dimensional and three-dimensional earthquake calculation in the time domain of the building carrier systems and scaling by simple scaling method or converting them to provide spectral harmony 2.5.1 , 2.5. 2 and 2.5.3 .

2.5.1. Selection of Earthquake Records - In the time domain of the building carrier systems, the selection of earthquake records to be used in earthquake calculation will be made by taking into account the earthquake magnitudes compatible with the earthquake ground motion level, fault distances, source mechanisms and local ground conditions. If there are historical earthquake records compatible with the earthquake ground motion level in the area where the building is located, these records will be used first. Earthquake hazard decomposition can be used to determine the magnitude and fault distance information of the earthquakes that contribute the most to the site-specific earthquake hazard . - In cases where an adequate number or quality of earthquake records cannot be selected, simulated ground motion records can be used in the time history. If such records are used, the seismic source, wave propagation and local ground characteristics of the site where the building is located will be taken into consideration. It will be shown that the model parameters to be used for simulation are compatible with the actual earthquake records recorded in earthquakes in the region. - be elected for a two-dimensional account or earthquake records 'and the account will be elected for three-dimensional seismic registration teams ' number of the eleven least will be. The number of recording or recording sets to be selected from the same earthquake shall not exceed three.

2.5.2. Scaling Earthquake Records Using Simple Scaling Method

Except for soil behavior analysis to be made according to - 16.5.2 or 16.10 , earthquake ground motions to be used in the calculation in the time history can be obtained from the selected earthquake records by simple scaling method as follows:

(a) According to the rule that the average amplitudes of the spectra of all records selected for one or two dimensional calculation between the periods 0.2T p and 1.5T p are not smaller than the amplitudes of the design spectrum defined in accordance with 2.3.4 or 2.4.1 , earthquake the amplitudes of the ground motions will be scaled.

(b) The resultant horizontal spectrum will be obtained by taking the square root of the sum of squares of the spectra of the two horizontal components of each earthquake record set selected for three-dimensional calculation. The amplitudes of earthquake ground motion components shall be scaled according to the rule that the ratio of the average of the resultant spectra of all selected records between the periods of 0.2T p and 1.5T p to the amplitudes of the design spectrum defined according to 2.3.4 or 2.4.1 should not be less than 1.3. . This period interval may vary for insulated buildings (See ). The scaling of both horizontal components will be done with the same scale coefficients. - If required by the existing earthquake data and building characteristics and the specific earthquake ground motion spectrum is determined, the building may be scaled by selecting and scaling the earthquake records to ensure less scattering in the analysis results by using the conditioned average spectra associated with a certain number of vibration periods .

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Scaling of Acceleration Records in Time History (2.5.2)

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